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Will Americans riot over the inevitable spending cuts?

Asked by josie (30934points) October 20th, 2010

The Greeks rioted when their government went broke and had to beg money on blisteringly austere terms.
The French government had to cut spending and the French rioted violently (Damaging property like spoiled kids. The French…I’ll just hold my tongue here).
The Chancellor of the Exchequer just outlined his own deep spending cuts to save the UK’s treasury, and while I doubt that my cousins will riot, who knows?
The point is, the writing is on the wall. Americans are next. You can’t lie about or deny the numbers. There is going to be a difficult austerity program right here in the homeland. Without it, people will start unloading our paper, and/or the government will have to print money until the dollar is worthless.

(BTW, would it be OK to not get into the usual non productive cat-chases-its own-tail tit for tat about who to blame and all that? Living on credit has been an American obsession for decades, and everybody, including the banks and government, got into the game. Everybody is to blame. And you know it.)

Do you think Americans will riot?
Since the government has pretty successfully turned the American population into mutually jealous and suspicious tribes, which ones will fuss the most?
Or will everybody make Josie proud, suck it up and do what needs to be done?
And learn their lesson?

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