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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever pissed off a snake?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46881points) May 20th, 2012

We did today. A BIG one. About 4 ft long. We wanted to started at the far end of our pond, pulling out old logs, tree limbs and crap to make a landing for the canoe. There is no other place to beach. Rick paddled over to reconnoiter. When he came back in the boat and said “Go over there, to the left, but don’t go over there, to the right. BIG snake!”
I went over there, to the left…and the snake had decided to go over there to the left too. I saw an odd swirl in the water, watched it…and the snake surfaced about 3 feet away, swimming away. Then it stopped and turned around and stared at me like, “I hate you!” It was kind of freaky!

At any rate, we wrecked that part of his turf, and I feel a little bad (hell, he has a whole acre of pond and branches to hang out in) ....but the thing is, I don’t know if it was a water moccasin or not. If it’s a moccasin I will kill it. If not…I will find things to make him feel better.

You ever pissed off a snake? Ever felt sorry for a snake?

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