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AnonymousWoman's avatar

If you're a fan of popular TV shows such as Breaking Bad, Dexter, GOT, HP, and/or LOTR, do you mind helping me out regarding a chocolate cake? Thank you!

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6533points) November 15th, 2013

A very close friend of mine is having her birthday soon and I want to get her a cake with one or more of the following characters/animals/symbols on it:

Breaking Bad: Jesse Pinkman
Harry Potter: Severus Snape, Hufflepuff symbol, Hedwig, golden snitch, Quidditch broom, Sorting Hat
Dexter: can be generic
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn, Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins (...Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit is okay, too!!!)
Game of Thrones: Tyrion, Jon Snow, Daenerys, Arya, direwolves, Ned Stark, House Stark Symbol, Samwell Tarly

What do you recommend? Please feel free to post links to pictures! Great things to write on the cake would help, too. By the way, she’s turning 22, in case that matters!

PS: If you have any other ideas regarding any of these TV shows that either don’t include any of the above characters/animals/symbols, or do (but include anyone or anything I didn’t mention), please feel free to share as well! My friend is amazing and deserves the best cake possible… even if she says she doesn’t care if nobody gives her anything!

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