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Dutchess_III's avatar

How many vacuum cleaners do you have?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46871points) August 7th, 2015

I have 3. A Shark, a Kirby and a shop vac.

I like the Shark a lot. It’s light and easy to work with. You just dump the bucket, no bags, never had to replace the belt, and I’ve had it 8 years or so.

However, some of you may remember my question about buying a Kirby for $1,000. Well, I did. Man, that sucker does vacuum! But, it’s a hassle. For one thing, I have to replace bags and belts and only recently found someone in a nearby town that carries them. Otherwise I’d have to drive 50 miles. And it’s pretty expensive. I went almost a year without being able to use the Kirby because of it. But it’s back in business now…and I’d forgotten how nicely it cleans.

Anyway, I finally found a good compromise. I use my Shark to pick up all the dog hair (and there is a LOT, because of Dakota,) and do superficial vacuuming, then, if there is a compelling reason to deep vacuum I get the Kirby out and go over them again. Saves me mucho on bags because the Shark gets all the volume stuff.

THEN I have a shop vac and I don’t know what I’d do without it! There are times when nothing but a shop vac will do, like for cleaning out the fireplace, or cleaning in the corners of the ceiling.

I vacuum with the Shark almost every day, and double / triple vac about once a month.

So what are your vacuuming habits?

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