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Scrabble ethics? (Nice guy or not?)

Asked by elbanditoroso (33218points) September 14th, 2015

Situation: I was winning handily last night – no danger that my opponent was going to win. The game was in the bag.

I had two letters left; she had 3. Almost the end of the game.

I could have put my two letters down (I think they were R and E) next to the D and made the word RED. Four points. Whooppidee-doo.

Or I could have put by R and E on top of an existing word (let’s say, for the sake of argument, it was ZONE), making the word REZONE. At least 15 points and maybe more.

The game is going to end, and I am going to win, no matter where I put the R E.

What’s the ethical thing to do? Demurely get 4 points? Or get a much higher point count just because I could?

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