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Dutchess_III's avatar

Christians, what are your thoughts on the "separation of church and state?"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46881points) September 23rd, 2015

Anyone can answer, of course, but I don’t really recall much discussion here on the First Amendment Or am I just blind?!

This question was prompted by a former Jelly, who is a Christian, messaging me on facebook and asked me to tell let everyone know that “I just gave credit to my atheist and agnostic friends for opening my eyes to many issues regarding theism and how we integrate that into our lives.’

I asked for more information and she sent the following:
She was involved in a conversation that centered around the question “Should “In Reason We Trust” replace “In God We Trust” on deputies’ vehicles?”

Her answer was “Neither. Belief in God is a personal choice by each officer, not a blanket statement. I’m a Christian but I will continue to push for equal rights for all, not just theists.”

Someone named Christopher replied to her comment and said, “I wish I could put this on a billboard, it’s almost impossible to find religious people with this much sense these days. Thanks.”

Our Jelly replied “Thanks! I have to give credit to my atheist and agnostic friends, they really opened my eyes to non-theist thinking and changed my entire perspective. Many theists fellowship within the church/ religious affiliations, but often that leads to very narrow perspective. I didn’t like what I was hearing and seeing from fellow theists/ conservatives. This religion thing may be a fairytale to many people who don’t believe, but to many it’s their whole world- we need to find a happy medium so I try to do my part by talking to both sides openly. Also, I’d like a President that is not just a talking head for the churches, but for ALL of us”

Do you agree or disagree with her views?

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