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gorillapaws's avatar

Isn't a Trump presidency, with Stein getting greater than 5%, and Democrats taking Congress the best possible long-term outcome for progressives?

Asked by gorillapaws (30593points) November 2nd, 2016

If Clinton wins, she will be blocked from getting anything done for the next 4 years. Neoliberalism will have taken hold of the party and the Democratic party will entirely cease to represent working class Americans (possibly irrevocably so).

Clinton will galvanize the support on the right to oppose her and will likely take the House and Senate in the midterms. She will be hated by everyone, ineffectual and probably fighting impeachment for a good portion of her term. And then in 4 years, she will likely loose to whatever monster the Republicans put forth on their ticket, who will have the Executive and the Legislative locked down. If by some miracle she does manage to win in 4 years, the best we can hope for is more war, further shrinking of the middle class, expansion of fracking and piplines, the acceleration of global warming, trade partnerships/offshoring more jobs, corporate mergers, too big to fail, too big to jail, marginalizing true progressives in the party, crony capitalism, and election rigging, and the corporate media cheering on all things that help their parent companies/advertizers, while blacking out coverage of important issues/people.

On the other hand, if Trump wins, the Dems take the legislative and Stein gets greater than 5%, then the DNC will be forced to have a serious fucking recalibration of it’s priorities. They will need to rally together to fight Trump, obstruct his Supreme Court nominees, and the support for the Green Party will show that even when a monster like Trump is on the ticket, progressives will not just abide neoliberalism, that they won’t accept the party becoming identical to the Republican on all issues except gay marriage and abortion.

This would mean that Trumps power would be limited, (especially if he’s being impeached for raping a 13-year-old) and we could see a true progressive ticket in 2020 with an avalanche of support by the people.

Doesn’t that second scenario seems like the best possible long-term outcome for progressives in the USA?

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