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Is the "redistribution of wealth," really just a "redistribution of abused power?"(details )

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19079points) December 20th, 2016

Money is essentially power.

People talk of higher taxes on the rich as being a rob the rich,give it to the poor type of thing.

But those wealthy elite Americans don’t benefit the country. They are greed driven, and only serve their own needs (getting more, and more wealthy.)They abuse their power.

If money is power, which it is, the powerful have not benefited the country. They have instead gravely wounded it.

Is it not time to give the poor more money /power to see if they can do a better job with the power?

The wealthy only hurt the economy, our country’s poor-middle class and basically everything but their personal wallet .

It’s quite transparent. And pathetic. When the people who currently have all the money are in charge, they just make things better for their rich friends. And TOTALLY FUCK the other 99%....
Which leads to economic problems.

When I make a mistake, in the real world, I pay for it.

There is NO benefit to the country from tax cuts on the uber wealthy. And those uber wealthy would be NOBODY in most other countries…

They’d be a thief ,or prostitute.

The poor are the roots of society. Without the poor, there is NO military, infrastructure, cops, firemen, EMS, or anything…

The uber wealthy have had all the power, and are now position to make themselves even richer.

Trickle down economics DOESN’T WORK. NEVER WILL.
It’s an oxymoron. The money trickles up. Always. Spending is what makes the economy thrive…

The wealthy apparently suck at running the country, unless it’s for their own benefit.

Time to give the power to the 99% ?

Give them a chance?.....

Let’s try trickle up. Everyone knows it would save our economy. When the poor get money (I’m poor…) they spend it. Spending is good for the economy. Duh…

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