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Dutchess_III's avatar

Care to share some of your first date deal breakers?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46870points) April 17th, 2017

I thought of this question after looking through this click bait site.
I had to laugh at the one gal who smelled like pancakes! And the gal who used the word “sassy” several times to describe herself, AND she liked horses! Oh, the horrors!

A couple of my first date deal breakers: Dude asked me out, I said OK. He had a really, REALLY nice Mustang convertible. His ride was nice, but there weren’t any fireworks for me about him. He cinched it when he glanced over at me with a leer and said, “Man you make a nice seat cover for my car!” Bai!

Another guy, first date. We went to Subway or some place to get a sandwich to eat at the park. He was behind me in line. I could see him reflected in the mirror in front of me. I saw him take a loooong look at me, up and down and stared at my butt for 20 minutes, then nodded his head like, “She’ll do!” Excuse me?? And he pretty much drooled for the rest of the date. The final straw was at the park he smiled and he had food stuck in his teeth…and we hadn’t even started eating yet. Bai!

Another guy took me to a nice restaurant, then proceeded to tell me a story about standing under a limb his friend was cutting off. He was supposed to catch the limb. He missed and the limb pretty much gave him a concussion. He completely blamed his friend. Bai!

Another guy showed up wasted on some sort of downers. I didn’t know what was wrong, I just knew he was off. We were supposed to go to Wichita, but then he told me had taken a double or triple dose of some kind of pill he had a prescription of, for for depression (that alone was a deal breaker) because he was so nervous about our date. I managed to convince him to stay in town, and escaped as soon as I could.

Another guy thought he’d impress me with the fact that he drank Michelob, and was willing to “discipline” my 9 year old son in a dark, macho, manly way. “I’ll show you who’s boss!” kind of thing. BAI BAI BAI and BAI!!
Heard a few years later he committed suicide in the parking lot of a hotel. He was with some women and they were out in the parking lot, arguing, and he put a gun to his head and said, “This is how much I love you,” and boom. My God.

Rick almost didn’t survive our first date, for that matter.

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