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elbanditoroso's avatar

According to the new Alabama and Georgia abortion laws, a fetus is considered a person after 6 weeks. Would it follow that the fetus could not be deported by ICE if it was being carried by a migrant?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33215points) May 13th, 2019

I’m trying to reconcile how the various laws work. Can you explain?

1) Alabama and Georgia are assigning personhood to the 6-week old fetus.

2) Let’s say that the fetus is being carried by an undocumented alien. The fetus, however, is in the US and therefore considered an American citizen (like any any other baby born in America).

3) ICE may want to deport the undocumented person because ICE is ICE and they do stuff like that.

4) But ICE cannot deport an American citizen – that’s the law.

So is it a good strategy for undocumented women to become pregnant, thereby giving themselves immunity from prosecution and deportation?

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