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Should college acceptance be rescinded because of regrettable comments made in high school?

Asked by Demosthenes (15008points) June 17th, 2019

Kyle Kashuv, a survivor of the Parkland mass shooting noted for his support of the second amendment, has had his acceptance to Harvard rescinded over comments he made not long before the Parkland shooting in which he used the n-word in offensive contexts (assuming there are non-offensive contexts).

Kashuv admitted his use of the word was “egregious and callous”.

This brings up the issue: to what extent can people move past the dumb things they’ve done in the social media era where there is a permanent record of everything you’ve said and thought over the years?

It’s very possible that going through something like the Parkland shooting changes a person. He seems to show regret. Should he still have his acceptance rescinded over what he said?

(I remember being concerned that my acceptance to Stanford might be rescinded because it became clear I was going to get a B in calculus. What an innocent time…)

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