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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you have found a way to prepare people for communion at a funeral?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46876points) December 24th, 2019

This is not about whether you think religious rituals are hogwash. It’s a question of etiquette, so please answer from that POV.

My mom was raised Catholic, but left the church long ago when they refused to recognize her at-that-time 10 year marriage to my Dad, with whom she had 4 kids. (They divorced after 22 years.) We were not raised Catholic. We simply believed in God and Jesus and all. Sometimes we went to church.
My sister had to convert to Catholicism in order to marry her fiance.
When Mom died my sister decided to take over (she has this thing about “being in charge” all the time,) so we got to experience the strange, empty weirdness of a Catholic funeral.
Toward the end communion was offered. A bit of murmuring went up because most of us were NOT Catholic and we didn’t know what to do.
I turned to my cousin behind me and whispered, “Can we do that if we aren’t Catholic??”
She looked at me with wide eyes and said, “I don’t know!”
We didn’t want to insult any Catholics by taking communion when we weren’t Catholic, but we were afraid of insulting the spirit of the funeral if we didn’t take communion.
Most of us opted out.
It was a very uncomfortable and awkward moment for a lot of people.

Would you have found some way to let folks know about this? Or perhaps asked the priest not to offer communion?

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