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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In D&D could ability score damage mimic some types of mental illness in real life?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24568points) July 3rd, 2021

Specifically wisdom and charisma damage to zero? Or one?

What specifically would having a zero wisdom or charisma be diagnosed as?

I’m thinking cationic illnesses.

Charts that I cut and pasted:

1 (–5): Animalistic, no longer capable of logic or reason
2–3 (–4): Barely able to function, very limited speech and knowledge
4–5 (–3): Often resorts to charades to express thoughts
6–7 (–2): Often misuses and mispronounces words
8–9 (–1): Has trouble following trains of thought, forgets most unimportant things
10–11 (0): Knows what they need to know to get by
12–13 (1): Knows a bit more than is necessary, fairly logical
14–15 (2): Able to do math or solve logic puzzles mentally with reasonable accuracy
16–17 (3): Fairly intelligent, able to understand new tasks quickly
18–19 (4): Very intelligent, may invent new processes or uses for knowledge
20–21 (5): Highly knowledgeable, probably the smartest person many people know
22–23 (6): Able to make Holmesian leaps of logic
24–25 (7): Famous as a sage and genius
1 (–5): Seemingly incapable of thought, barely aware
2–3 (–4): Rarely notices important or prominent items, people, or occurrences
4–5 (–3): Seemingly incapable of forethought
6–7 (–2): Often fails to exert common sense
8–9 (–1): Forgets or opts not to consider options before taking action
10–11 (0): Makes reasoned decisions most of the time
12–13 (1): Able to tell when a person is upset
14–15 (2): Can get hunches about a situation that doesn’t feel right
16–17 (3): Reads people and situations fairly well
18–19 (4): Often used as a source of wisdom or decider of actions
20–21 (5): Reads people and situations very well, almost unconsciously
22–23 (6): Can tell minute differences among many situations
24–25 (7): Nearly prescient, able to reason far beyond logic
1 (–5): Barely conscious, incredibly tactless and non-empathetic
2–3 (–4): Minimal independent thought, relies heavily on others to think instead
4–5 (–3): Has trouble thinking of others as people
6–7 (–2): Terribly reticent, uninteresting, or rude
8–9 (–1): Something of a bore or makes people mildly uncomfortable
10–11 (0): Capable of polite conversation
12–13 (1): Mildly interesting, knows what to say to the right people
14–15 (2): Interesting, knows what to say to most people
16–17 (3): Popular, receives greetings and conversations on the street
18–19 (4): Immediately likeable by many people, subject of favorable talk
20–21 (5): Life of the party, able to keep people entertained for hours
22–23 (6): Immediately likeable by almost everybody
24–25 (7): Renowned for wit, personality, and/or looks

Strength 0 means that the character cannot move at all. He lies helpless on the ground.
Dexterity 0 means that the character cannot move at all. He stands motionless, rigid, and helpless.
Constitution 0 means that the character is dead.
Intelligence 0 means that the character cannot think and is unconscious in a coma-like stupor, helpless.
Wisdom 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a deep sleep filled with nightmares, helpless.
Charisma 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a catatonic, coma-like stupor, helpless.

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