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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have a bridezilla story to share?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46870points) August 30th, 2021

I was a baby bridezilla for my own wedding in 2006.
We only had 2 weeks to plan so it was a rush rush.
My colors were maroon and gold.
I toyed with the idea of having a woods fairy kind of wedding.
I found a light brown skirt and bought some 3 inch wide ribbon to put around the bottom. The ribbon was sparkly and had many different colors, from brown to green to maroon to gold, etc.
My (future) daughter in law offered to sew it on the hem for me, and I accepted because I don’t care for sewing.
However when she handed me the “finished” skirt I was horrified.
She said “I ran out of the ribbon you gave me so I sewed a different ribbon in.”
Yes, it was different. It was only about a half inch wide. The thin ribbon caused the skirt to pucker up all around. It was horrible.
I asked her why she didn’t tell me so I could get more of the ribbon I wanted.
She carelessly said “Oh, I had this on hand and I figured, what the heck! It’s gold!”

After she left I told Rick how distressed I was.
“I look like a clown!!”
He started defending his daughter, and how nice it was that she did that, and I don’t want to make her feel bad by wearing something else.
I could not get through to him so…I started crying! I mean I blubbered! I don’t think he had seen me cry before (or since) and he finally came to the realization that it was MY wedding and I should wear what ever I was comfortable in.
Shew! Waterworks off.
I chose a size 8 dress that had on hand that I had.bought at a garage sale. It was black but had hundreds of brightly colored, small flowers printed on it.

Also DIL insisted on making the wedding cake…then after the wedding she demanded $50 for it. We were on a shoe string budget and she knew it. She never said anything about charging me for the cake before hand. I would have been just as happy with a $10 cake from Dillons.

Do you have a bridezilla story?

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