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Caravanfan's avatar

What is your opinion on the election results in Argentina?

Asked by Caravanfan (13579points) August 15th, 2023

The Argentinian economy is in shambles. Inflation is over 100%, which happens so quickly that store fronts have to often change prices during the day. The secret/not secret economic prop is the American dollar, which many transactions are done in. Some businesses in the tourist industry do not even take Argentinian money preferring dollars, and when you walk by a real estate office, the prices are in dollars.

The root of the problem is complex and goes back to loans, incompetence, corruption, and mismanagement by governments from all political stripes. It’s truly a tragedy as Argentina is a rich country with abundant resources and ability to export. Like typical Latin American countries there is a very rich and very poor class, but there is a thriving middle class there who are struggling to make a go of it.

Enter this latest election where a described “far right” candidate has won the initial primary. The term “far right” has negative connotations, obviously, but what they really mean is “libertarian”. This new guy is a self-described anarchocapitalist and a follower of Austrian libertarian economic theory.

His plans are to dollarize the economy, deregulate industry, eliminate budget deficits—basically a modern version of Reaganomics.

Is this something that is likely to work in Argentina, given that the current political circles have failed the people so badly?

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