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Have you ever used or considered using seduction techniques?

Asked by nikipedia (28080points) January 11th, 2009

Everyone has innate seduction techniques, I guess, but I’m referring to the techniques set out and advanced by the ‘seduction community’.

For instance, this philosophy advocates behaviors such as:

“Negs,” i.e. remarks, such as backhanded compliments, that are designed to actively demonstrate disinterest and “falsely disqualify” the pickup artists as potential suitors. Negs are generally advocated for attractive and very attractive women. They are intended for numerous purposes, including slightly lowering a girl’s self-esteem so she’s more vulnerable to pickup, displaying higher value, or for lowering a girl’s “bitch shield” (i.e. hostile attitude to potential suitors), etc. (associated with the Mystery Method)

Patterns, i.e. hypnotic language derived from sales and NLP designed to influence a woman’s subconscious mind, to seduce her, or to otherwise condition her without her knowledge. Patterning can be done spontaneously though is usually completely scripted in advance.

(borrowed from the Wikipedia article linked above)

Have you ever used these? Did they work? Were you happy? Do you think it’s misleading? Does every guy know about this?

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