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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Is the eventual disconnect from a Q&A site like Fluther inevitable?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39057points) May 8th, 2010

I’ve been feeling pretty disconnected from Fluther lately (I’d say in the last month) and it’s not so much because of all the negativity we’ve dealt with previously and now the changes that all of it has led up to. It’s more about (and Alex and I were just discussing this) how it is inevitable that once you know (for the most part) all the people on a site and what they will say and who will argue and who will not…well it all gets predictable and the influx of new/interesting users is simply not a constant (wouldn’t that be great)...and you don’t feel like you get much out of it anymore and you look back and try to see what it was that you did get out of it and the people with whom you’ve formed friendships with (and now you’re facebook friends or what have you) doesn’t feel like a break up, Fluther, but it feels stagnant…do you ever feel this way? Do you agree that this happens with every Q&A site that you’ve been on? Probably, I just need to ride this ‘chilling period’ out and eventually new people, new thoughts and all that will come up but how long does one have to wait?

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