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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Christians, help me out here please. Can anyone point me to a scripture quoting Jesus unequivocally claiming that he is God, or the Son of God for that matter?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) September 15th, 2010

In Jesus’ own words. Not an inference by anyone else, but in Jesus’ own words, where did he claim that “I am God”?

When Jesus does claim, “I and the Father are one”, I believe that is saying that he is in tune with the Father, very much like a car and driver or horse and rider are often referred to as one. Otherwise why would Jesus also make statements such as “My Father in Heaven who sent me”?

Didn’t Jesus consistently refer to himself as “I, the son of man”?

Please keep in mind that I am not revealing if I personally believe that Jesus Christ was God, or Son of God, or both, or neither.

I simply want to know where Jesus himself is quotable in the Bible as stating “I am God” or “I am the Son of God”.

And if he didn’t actually say it, then could it be that humanity has actually misunderstood (or misused) the true essence of what he did say?

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