Meta Question

jrpowell's avatar

Do you know that one of the things I loved about this site was the fact that are concerns were met. ?

Asked by jrpowell (40562points) October 25th, 2010
30 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I don’t feel that way anymore. It sucks pretty bad.

To be perfectly honest it feels like we create content and you slap ads on it. It seems like you care more about ads than users.

Sorry if that sounds dickish. It is just how I see things. I’m not alone.

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Cruiser's avatar

Hmmm….I get to ask and answer questions, goof with my friends all day long and live in a mansion for free??? Seems like a pretty good deal to me. Free is good.

augustlan's avatar

I’m not sure this is the best way to go about lodging a complaint, but I’d like to hear what you have to say. What concerns, specifically, are we not meeting?

jrpowell's avatar

@augustlan :: accessibility. Take this for example. Is it really that hard to give a answer? All you have to say is “it is something we don’t want to do” and I will be happy. But it is ignored. And that is fine. It just sucks compared to how it used to be.

augustlan's avatar

Ah… they might not have seen that. It’s usually better to ask stuff like that using the contact button, so the guys get an email about it. I’ll forward it to them and ask them to comment on it.

marinelife's avatar

@jp Since you wrote are instead of our, I am wondering if you have been drinking?

Aster's avatar

“Concerns were met?” You mean your needs aren’t being met or your questions aren’t being answered? I wike it here.

jonsblond's avatar

Good thing it wasn’t argh or we’d have a pirate on our hands.

ok. That was bad. Maybe I should be drinking. ;)

J0E's avatar

I don’t feel that way at all. There is a pretty steady flow of new features being added, a lot of which have been asked for by the majority. Just because the founders don’t comment on every single question about features doesn’t mean they don’t care.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (5points)
Dutchess_III's avatar

@johnpowell I remember seeing that question and passing it by because I had no idea what you were talking about. Now that understand the question more, I also understand that it wasn’t meant for 99.9999999% of Fluther users to answer…...

CMaz's avatar

@johnpowell – So you are saying you did not get the attention you were/are needing?

It bugged you so much, you needed to stop your foot and make another post.
Get some of that much needed and now over due attention.

Well here ya go.
Hi! Nice to see ya. Missed you sooo much. Kisses.

breedmitch's avatar

@marinelife Yeah. 5am. West coast time. I’m thinking beer.

bob_'s avatar

It’s a business, they have investors. I’m sure there are things they’d like to do, but can’t because they have to work on other things to make this thing profitable. C’est la vie.

Dog's avatar

Regarding the question on rss feeds I use the page @johnpowell made a lot and it would be really awesome to have the section feature too if it was possible. If not that is okay too.

I think that the point of this question is more about how busy the staff has become on improvement features vice touching base participating on the site.

Perhaps missing the rss question was a fluke as the powers that be were revamping search.

Hopefully the guys will always still have time to enjoy the community and interact a bit. Otherwise fluther would lose a part of the community feel that sets it apart from the other drivel on the Internet.

Regarding ad income I hope Fluther soon brings in as much as Google. They deserve a rock solid income. As long as Fluther keeps up standards and does not deviate from the original goals that Ben and Andrew set in the beginning it is only fair that the guys earn a decent living. The ads only affect those who are not logged in and do not disrupt conversation.

So I do not see this question as a rant. I think the concern here is that the focus might be shifting and the overall site quality could suffer.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (10points)
janbb's avatar

@Dog I agree with you. Roll over and let me scratch your tummy.

ben's avatar


Sorry you feel that way. I appreciate everyone’s support here, and just to re-iterate:

—We’re trying our best to be responsive and continue to make improvements, especially ones that benefit the community (like search). In many ways, we’re busier now than we’ve ever been, and there are tons of great features that we simply don’t have time to add right now, but hope to get to in the future. It’s a very hard balancing act.

—Some people may also feel that Andrew and I aren’t personally as active in the community as we used to be. This is true. Frankly, I wish I could be more active, but I’m quite certain that my time is better spent serving the community by keeping the site up and running (and the business alive) than by helping in a more one-one-one way (though I still do my best to give great answers!).

—I wish it weren’t the case, but the ads we’re currently running don’t nearly cover our expenses, which is in many ways the reason we’re busy building other things. This is natural for a company of our size and growth, but it can still be very challenging.

ben (9080points)“Great Answer” (19points)
YARNLADY's avatar

Are concerns not being met? Mine are.

bob_'s avatar

Mine haven’t been met, yet, but @augustlan did promise to make me a sandwich next time I’m in the DC area.

FutureMemory's avatar

I still love this site as much as I did the night I found it almost 18 months ago. For a free site I think the quality of ‘customer service’ is incredible.

Lets all hold hands now.

FutureMemory's avatar

@bob_ Come to Cali, I got a sandwich right here with your name on it.

bob_'s avatar

@FutureMemory Uh, tempting. Vunnesuh has also promised to make me one. Gotta love California.

shilolo's avatar

Only if you love alfalfa sprouts on alfalfa bread…

bob_'s avatar

Alfa what now?

FutureMemory's avatar

I think @shilolo is inferring the sandwich would be some sort of hippie vegetarian thing. And in my case, he’s right.

bob_'s avatar

Eww D:

poisonedantidote's avatar

I know we are probably not on the same page at all here, I have 7k lurve and you 30k, so you probably have some more insight on it than me. But really, I find this site does a lot for the users. Look at Youtube for example, if you have a problem on youtube you can even send them an email because they simply don’t give a crap. Then you have sites like yahoo answers where all you get in an automated email telling you they cant or wont help you. they might as well send out an email telling you to go take it up the ass. To me, the existence of the meta section and the contact section say we are being listened to.

As for advertising, maybe its because I also make sites, But I cant really agree at all. Sites cost money, and without ads this would either be a pay site or would not exist at all. Personally, I enjoy creating content. Whenever I ask a question i always make sure to put relevant keywords on it, and whenever I answer a question i try to give a fair bit of text for search engines to pick up on. I always try to consider how the ads will play a part. I see it as covering my ass in a kind of way. As in, I like the site, I like coming here, so I like to provide good content that can be monetized to insure that I can come back tomorrow and the site will still be here. If you are logged in you cant even see the adds.

If I where the owner of this site, I would be doing much more to try and monetize it, and there would probably be a lot more ads. when it comes to ads I feel like this site has a very relaxed policy.

I don’t know what else to say really, I wish there where something i could say to make you feel better about it, but all i can come up with is pointing out how on this question you have got some answers from people who seem to have authority around here, and remind you that on most other sites you would have been given an automated message, or igonred, or would not have even been able to ask this in the first place. On a site like yahoo answers i imagine your question would have simply been deleted to protect the site’s image, and possibly have got a strike against your account.

andrew's avatar

Also, Ben only lets me out of my cage every so often so I can’t address the community concerns as actively as I once did. I think it’s OH NO HERE HE CO

Dutchess_III's avatar

@andrew ROFL!!!! You DO have a funny side!!!!!!!! My life is complete!

iamthemob's avatar

Isn’t it kind of like when you pray – like, sometimes the answer is “No.”

It’s just that fluther will answer with a louder no sometimes. ;-)

seazen's avatar

My sexual concerns are not being met. Just saying.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@iamthemob They didn’t say “No!” They didn’t hear the question.

@Zen So what else is new. You and Grog. Sheesh. Pffft.

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