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ZEPHYRA's avatar

Bring on those past injuries! Where have you been burnt, stitched, cut, bruised, scratched, mauled and generally wounded?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) October 31st, 2010
16 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Share the injuries you have suffered throughout the years from childhood to adulthood. Knocking heads, cutting your finger, slamming fingers in doors, stubbing toes, whatever gory details you may have!

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Coloma's avatar

I was an accident prone child and younger adult.

Every school picture from 2nd thru 6th grade I had a fat lip ( baseball in the mouth ) black eye ( baseball in the eye ) chipped tooth ( reckless diving ) scraped knees, gashed shins sprained ankles from various bike wrecks and falling out of a treehouse. lol

THEN..I started riding horses. haha

Kicks, bites, falls, dislocated shoulder and elbow, broken nose, stepped on, thrown, run over and this went on until I was about 44! lol

I was quite the river rafter in my day too, several near drownings.

I have mellowed considerably, no more horses now and the closet I come to drowning is too much wine in the hot tub.

Oh and, 2 dog bites, a nasty cat bite and a squirrel attack that broke my knuckle. hahahaha

Coloma's avatar

Jeez..I knew I was forgetting some

The time I popped a wheelie on a little Yamaha 80 and crashed into a tree and knocked myself unconscious for about 2 minutes. Plowed through a giant rosebush too. Ouch!

Ultramarine_Ocean's avatar

I don’t think I remember all of them but I’ll mention the ones that make me laugh when I think about them.

I remember when I was about 10 I went to some community pool and it had a real tall slide. It had metal stairs that were pretty darn slippery and I didn’t care. I loved to go on it multiple times. Then the workers had to clean the pool or something so everyone had to leave it. Great timing for me. I was at the top of the stairs and the people told me to come down. You can tell how scared I was. I went down probably as slow as I can but I slipped. On my knees I slid all the way down onto the ground. Luckily not one person saw me. Too bad I never went on that slide ever again.

Another time which was about two years ago. It was pitch black in my hallway. I was going to bed and I thought my bedroom door was open. So I walked face first into my door like an idiot. It was painful but I was laughing for like a minute straight and my sister came out of her room staring at me like I was some weirdo.

Last year around December I was going to my bus stop. I have a hill for a driveway but it got covered in ice. I knew I was going to slip but that didn’t stop me from walking normally. Big mistake. First step on the ice I slip on my butt and slid all the way down onto the street. It was fun but my butt hurt the entire day at school.

kissmesoftly's avatar

My brother once whacked a flaming marshmallow onto my arm at a campfire. It stuck there on fire while I screamed and tried to put it out. The only thing forgivable was it truly was a complete accident.
A huge piece of glass went through my flip-flopand into my foot. I pulled it out, flushed the inch deep wound with water and soap, then poured alcohol into it. I pinched it shut, rolled up a paper towel and then wrapped it in duct tape. I didn’t want my Mom to find out and I don’t like hospitals. I was around twelve years old. I also almost cut off one of my toes while running around barefoot when I was five. The best one was when I was lighting incense in my room and a friend called. I answered the phone with the HOT lighter in my hand and got a smily face scar on my cheek.

Joybird's avatar

Where to start…where to start…..
There was the time I was walking through the woods as a kid and a stick tore through my eye lid. And then the time my brother was throwing rocks at the spokes in my bike and mis fired one straight to the mouth breaking off my front teeth. There was the bf who used my face for a punching bag leaving some scarring around my mouth. There were the broken fingers from martial arts and errant kicks and punches blocked. There was the broken breast plate that happened after a swan dive while roller skating in my late teens. There were the dents made to my legs a result of falling repeatedly on the balance beam during HS gymnastics. There was the chocha and perineal damage done as a result of a high forcep delivery. There was the foot spiral broken while coming out of a church dinner. There was the gallbladder removal. There was the bunion surgery and the subsequent discovery that I was missing cartilege in most of my toe joints…involving several followup surgeries. There was the discovery of urinary incontinence during a jump shot at work….and the blown out knee the happened during a rousing game of running and passing the ball….and the full ball in the face while standing on the sidelines breaking my glasses and my nose. There was also the slip on the ice a couple of years back resulting in a hair line break of my arm and a jammed shoulder. And how could I forget the event in 1st grade when I fell off the garbage can while pretending to be the indian thus impaling myself Crucifix style on the fence that was put wrong side up, ripping a huge piece of my arm off as my weight tore it away….I could see inside my arm and with every beat of my heart out globbed more blood.

Winters's avatar

Busted my head twice, impaled my left hand in the area between my thumb and pointer fingers, knife cut on my right forearm which also was cauterized, nearly cut off the tip of my left pointer finger which is still for the most part numb, inhaled (okay it was pretty diluted) chlorine gas, been tear gassed, took a chunk of flesh out of my leg right below my right knee, tore my right rotor cuff, dislocated my right thumb, broke my left foot, several concussions (one of which resulted in mild amnesia), light burn on my right eye, and a messed up ear drum (right ear). I think that’s all.

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tedibear's avatar

Oh dear, where to start…

Yesterday: Wearing slippery socks, foot slipped off the edge of a step and I banged the hell out of my shin. Scraped it on the metal riser cover thingie for good measure.

June 2009: Wearing high heels and pants with cuffs, walking down a flight of stairs at work. Heel catches in cuff and wham! I not only fall down the whole flight of stairs, but I manage to twist before I fall so I get to do the whole thing on my back. The good thing? I didn’t whack my head on the concrete floor. I take the elevator when I need to go down any stairs at work.

February 1984: Walking down an icy slope to get to the dining hall, I get grabbed from behind by a guy (someone who had been flirting with me on and off) and we go sliding down the slope and fall… on my right hand. I still wonder if I broke that index finger, but I never had it looked at. I’m left handed so I wasn’t particularly incapacitated. ;~)

August 1978: I was forever jumping off the second or third step of the stairs in the house where I grew up. One of my friends was there and I miscounted because I was busy talking. I jumped off stair number 4 and my head hit the ceiling. I still have the lump on the top of my head from that. Luckily, no concussion. I still remember the sound of my mom roaring up the hill in our ‘78 Chevy Caprice Classic. I had to call her at work so she could take me to the doctor.

Winter 1977: I was at Saturday PTA rollerskating and needed to use the bathroom. I was headed out to the hallway when my skate wheels caught together and I went down on my right hip. On Monday, I went into the garage to get in the car. (My dad drove me to school on his way to work.) The garage floor was icy and as I opened the car door, my feet slid out from under me and I landed on my tailbone. Nothing broken but boy was I sore. And my right hip always knows when it’s going to rain.

Sometime in 1975 or ‘76: I cut my right middle finger with a penknife. Still have the scar from that. A couple of months later, I was rinsing a glass bowl under really hot water. My hand went under the water and because it was so hot I dropped the bowl. The bowl broke and as I jerked my hand back and sliced open the ring finger on my right hand. My mom was outside mowing the lawn and I ran out to get her. She looked at me and said, “Your father is right there in the living room! Go get him!” It wasn’t that she wouldn’t have helped me had it been desperate, I think she was just frustrated that I didn’t think to ask him for help. He was my dad. What could he know about boo-boos?! He did a fine job of patching me up and my sister had to finish the dishes! Woot! Still have the scar from that.

Sometime in 1966: I was 2 years old and had been toddling about for over a year. Mom had just put a full hot pot of coffee on the dining room table and guess who pulled on the tablecloth? Yup, yours truly. Yank! Hot pot of coffee all over me. She grabbed me and put me in the kitchen sink under the cold running water. She then schmeared me with Vaseline hey, we didn’t know better back then! and took me to the doctor. No scars and I love coffee!

Those are the highlights. Many other cuts, bruises, bashes and bangs through the years!

Seaofclouds's avatar

My brother stabbed me with 4 freshly sharpened pencils when I was 6. I still have the marks from where they stabbed into my hand.

I had my forehead busted open with a baseball bat on my 8th birthday (right along the eyebrow). It required 23 stitches to close.

I broke my left wrist in 8th grade when I was a cheerleader. I was in the air and the girls that were holding me up dropped me. My wrist broke my fall.

I broke my right wrist in 9th grade when I was running down the wood stairs in our house right after getting out of the pool.

I burned my right bicep on a pan while working at Wawa when I was 19. It was one of the pans we used to make the breakfast sandwiches. It was pretty deep and left a nice scar.

I bruised my right rotator cuff by holding on to a railing as I slipped down some cement stairs that had ice on them when I was 25.

I broke my right ankle walking down the stairs with a laundry basket when I was 26.

I dislocated my sacroiliac joint when I was 27.

Berserker's avatar

Broke my arm by falling out of a tree at age 12. Really though, I just cracked some very small wrist bones. Still.

Got a nasty scar on the underside of my wrist, but no it wasn’t a suicide attempt, just a really shitty accident that involved a fence and falling off of it, but getting my arm stuck in the metal pikes while at it.

Cut up my knee pretty bad, by falling on…ice. It bloody skewered my knee lol as it broke under my weight.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I was thrown onto a couch and cracked my @ss.
that really hurt

augustlan's avatar

I’m sorry, but I am cracking up over everyone’s stories! Does that make me a bad person?

Here are my highlights… sorry in advance for the length.

As a kid:
I fell off my bunk-bed ladder, while coming down it the wrong way (facing out, as if it was a staircase). Onto a wood parquet floor. A little piece of skin from my chin still lives in the cracks of that floor, I’m sure. My first stitches!

Skateboarding down a sidewalk, I hit a teeny-tiny pebble that stopped my board in its tracks. Sadly, I was not so fortunate, and went sailing into the sidewalk head first. My first concussion! I got another later on, doing somersaults down a metal slide. What the hell was I thinking?

A metal spike holding down a volleyball net went straight into my knee, as I lunged for the ball and came down on my knee full force. Though it hurt like hell, and was very deep, it was such a clean cut it only required a butterfly bandage. Still, this is the one that makes me cringe the most.

As a teenager:
Got a 3 inch chunk of wood stuck in the arch of my foot. Had to get multiple shots of local anesthetic in a very tender spot for that one, so they could cut it out. On my first day at the beach! Ruined my whole trip. :(

Got hit by a car on a major (6 lane) road, crossing the street before school. I was incredibly lucky, and didn’t even break a bone! Sprained knee, crutches and a leg brace for six weeks. I now have arthritis in that knee. (Same damn knee as the spike incident).

Had a lymph node biopsy which left me with what I call my Frankenstein scar on my neck. (Same damn year as the car incident.)

As an adult:
I’ve got a nice scar from cutting my wrist with a sharp knife. (Trying to pry apart a frozen bagel. Stupid.)

Sliced the hell out of my finger with a multi-tool knife. (Fucking thing was being a pain in the ass about closing. So of course, I decided to force it. Stupid.)

And the funniest one… My ex was building a deck on our house, and asked me to stand on a board while he sawed off the end. So, I’m up on deck level, while he’s cutting with a circular saw just below me. When he finished the cut, I took a backwards step on the same board, which was not nailed down, putting me out over the edge of the deck’s framework. You know those cartoons where someone steps on a rake and the handle comes flying up to hit them in the face? Yeah, it was just like that, only my face (along with my body) fell completely off the deck as the wood zoomed up to meet me. My ex-husband caught me with the saw between my legs. Thank god it wasn’t running! It hurt so bad, but I was cracking up in between all the crying… it was just too funny not to. I was black and blue in all sorts of inconvenient places for weeks.

downtide's avatar

Fractured tibia at age 3 from falling down stairs
Fractured vertebra at age 25 from falling down stairs (you see a pattern here?)
I have a scar on the back of my hand from burning it on an oven shelf
About a month ago I got a black eye when someone opened a door really fast and it smacked me in the face.

tedibear's avatar

WAIT! How could I forget my peanut brittle burn?! I got that about 3 years ago in school. I was pouring hot sugar onto a pan to make peanut brittle. I mishandled the pan a little and got extremely hot sugar on my arm. I put it under cold running water, but didn’t let all of the sugar just come off. I picked at it and those two little places have a scar now.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

When I was 12 my brother accidentally shot me in the foot with a BB gun. That may not sound painful, or a big deal, but blood just started oozing out from the hole, and it was left in there for about three months. I had to get surgery to get it out. I still have the hole.

littlekori's avatar

hmm lets see
When i was 4 or 5 I was riding on the back of one of those electric cars and my cousin was driving, he hit a curb and i slipped and feel back right on my head on the cemete. Cracked my head right open.
Broke my toe in 5th grade, was on crutches for 2 weeks.
I have broken probably all of my fingers, fractured my thumb and still played volleyball
many many spranged wrists and twisted ankles from sports and what not.
stress fracture from running to much
oh and i ride dirtbikes, so there have been many trips to the ER. surprisingly no major broken bones yet. Though last time i had to go in i was doing a 70 mile trail ride with my dad and some of his friends and we had to go through this valley of just rocks. not just little ones but big rocks. I did not even hesitate, i just went for it. I got about half way and hit a rock wrong, flew over the handle bars and knocked myself unconscience. I woke up, sat down for 5 minutes, got back up and rode my bike to the hospital.(:

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