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tedd's avatar

What do you do to improve your mood?

Asked by tedd (14078points) November 4th, 2010
14 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’ll spare the details of why I’m in a down mood, I’m sure a lot of you have seen my previous posts and get the gist of it already. Well essentially I’m working on fixing the things that have me depressed (that I’m able to) but its slow going and my mood has not really improved. What individual activities do you do to improve your mood? Running isn’t really an option, its cold outside. I’ve played games with friends and stuff, but its actually left me feeling sadder. I dunno, I’m a mess…. Suggestions?

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ucme's avatar

I like to stand in front of a full length mirror, naked & perform star jumps whilst singing show tunes in the style of Shirley Temple. “Anythin you can do I can do better!” Works a treat for me :¬)

john65pennington's avatar

Listen to music.

Not that sucide country music that will send you looking for a gun.

Play your favorite rock and roll song and really get into the beat of the drum. dancing is permitted.

Object here is to break down your moodiness and to get your mind off of it. you are too focused on the downside of life. now, its time to live a little.

So, fire up your favorite song and let the good times roll !

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I get outside and walk.I don’t care how cold it is.If you have the right gear,you will barely feel it.Just do it ;)

tedd's avatar

@john65pennington lol, when I suggested I live a little people yelled at me :( (in the earlier threads)

lemming's avatar

The only thing I can think of that will give you a significant boost is exercise. If you can go to a gym I’d do that, otherwise I’d reconsider that run, once your into it you won’t feel the cold.

Cruiser's avatar

Volunteer at a local food bank or shelter. Helping out other people in need often in worse shape as you, can often put a silver lining on those clouds hanging over you. Also, put on a warm coat and go for a hike along a river and skip stones and project one of your troubles or blue thoughts into those stones. You can detach yourself from all these negative thoughts…you just have to make the effort.

josie's avatar

Exercise vigorously

sigh29's avatar

Volunteer. I was depressed last year… I started volunteering at a nursing home, and while I didn’t really have the time to commit a lot of hours, and my mood began to improve for other reasons… It was something to look forward to. Why waste your time being sad and miserable when you could be out giving something back? You may be having a hard time, but you have so many things to be thankful for (I’m sure). Hell, the fact that you COULD go out and run puts you a step above a lot of people. Get out of your house—even if it’s cold. I agree with the blaring music and singing, or just go for a drive somewhere. Give someone a huge hug… that’s what I do. Most of all, feel better :)

tedd's avatar

@sigh29 Unfortunately the only person I want to hug is unavailable for that at the moment :(.

mattbrowne's avatar

Write a 3-page handwritten letter to someone you care about.

nikipedia's avatar

Here’s another vote for exercise. Join a gym, sign up for an exercise class so you’ll actually go.

Also, get together with your friends, no matter how anti-social you’re feeling. Once you’re there it’ll help.

tedd's avatar


Neizvestnaya's avatar

I sort my drawers of clothes, the ones in the closet, make a pile of things with loose or missing buttons, clean & polish shoes, put fresh bedding and towels out, soak in the bathtub, rub myself all over with lotion and put on super soft clothes, make a greasy quesodilla with scrambled eggs in it, email old friends I infrequent with, clean out my car, floss my teeth, Monty Python.

Kardamom's avatar

Get out a piece of paper right now and write down ten things that you’d be interested in trying. Maybe it’s learning to cook Thai food, or go visit the local art museum, or take a salsa dance class, or go ice skating with your buddies (that’s always good for a laugh, especially if some of them can’t skate well) or dig into that pile of books you’ve been wanting to read, or take an art class. After you have your list, start researching what you need to do to get started. Do you need to join a club or make reservations or buy tickets or talk to your friends to schedule the time? Then tomorrow, start doing some of these things. Maybe do one each week. The activities don’t have to be expensive and can even be free, just think of things that sound interesting or new and start trying them. Don’t just sit at home. Even if you feel lousy, get up and start doing these things right away.

Try to avoid sad movies, sad songs, depressing books, depressing people and junk food. If you have a cupboard and fridge full of un-healthy food, clean it all out and get a few healthy items. Not sure if you like chicken, but those already roasted chickens at the grocery store are not only good for you, you can make a bunch of things out of it, like chicken salad, chicken sandwich (with mayo) or mix it up with barbecue sauce for a zesty treat. Throw some on top of a Greek salad, put some in your soup or make a delicious burrito. If you’re a vegetarian, make all of the above only with tofu! Make a point to eat healthy every day. Add more fruits and vegetables and nuts to your diet and ditch the white bread, get some crusty whole grain bread and pita bread. Yum! And make sure you get at least 15 minutes of sun per day.

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