Social Question

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Why do think some people still feel like white people owe black people something for what white people did to black peoples ancestors?

Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal (4269points) November 6th, 2010
33 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Does this make sense to you? If you parents or grandparent commited murder should you go on trial too?

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Coloma's avatar


The past is just that, the past, and true justice means paying once, and only once for a mistake.

Paying for the ‘sins of the fathers’ is an archaic and outdated ‘moral’ code.

Kayak8's avatar

I think that if Group A did something with far-reaching negative impact on Group B (regardless of how you label the groups), then Group B may have legitimate concerns and Group A may still bear responsibility for fixing the evolving situations that result from their earlier actions. I believe this even if the current members of Group A are not the ones who caused the original harm in those situations where the harm (in some form or other) has continued to the present day. The challenge is when the harm has been allowed to continue for centuries, it may be impossible to unravel the thread.

I also think it may be easy for members of Group B to claim ongoing harm in situations where no real harm exists. I think the dialog between both groups is essential and I recognize that members of Group B may never let go of the long-standing hurt that may still permeate their daily lives (even if only in their minds)

Your question (about the actions of a group) and your detail (about the actions of an individual) are not parallel and are impossible for me, at least, to reconcile.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Coloma I agree 100%. Everytime someone says that “the sins of the father needs to be attoned for” shit or something similar, it makes me want to go midevil on their asses. +lurve

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Disc2021 Well of course you do! People like you help keep racism alive. But for what it’s worth I’m sorry my ancestors might have beaten and owned yours!

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Kayak8 So you really think that black people are still suffering from what happened hundreds of years ago? They have their own college fund, their own month, their own TV station, their own Miss America pageant. Something a white person couldn’t have without being called a racist.

tinyfaery's avatar

If the descendants of the white slave owners are still living off the money made off of the backs of slaves then the descendants of those slaves deserve to be compensated appropriately.

Kayak8's avatar

I think that racism is still alive and well and continues to hurt ALL people of color in the US (including Native Americans, Blacks, et al). I also think that if the majority continues to act with impunity to past “sins of the fathers” (which you eschew), they are doomed to be repeated (again and again).

Racism is a bit broader and more insidious than any reparations brought about by a Miss Black America pagent. If you are a member of the majority, it is often hard to conceptualize the long term ramifications of the actions of a prior generation on the minority. No amount of college scholarships can offer appropriate reparation for a racism that continues to this day. I don’t let Black folks off the hook either—there is a point beyond which being a victim is pointless. That still doesn’t lessen the need for the majority to acknowledge (if not completely comprehend) their role in perpetuating the original sin.

Coloma's avatar


Really, are you really serious?

And soooo, does this mean that since you are still living off farming methods the white settlers gleaned from native americans 350 years ago that you should pay $30 for an ear of corn so the native americans are comped for teaching the white man how to grow corn? lol

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah I know…...Only the Native Americans should feel like that lol.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Really there are a few things I think people either don’t know or choose to overlook. First of all we blacks weren’t the only slaves, there were white and indian slaves as well. Secondly, guess what race sold us our slaves? Black people. That’s right we bought our black slaves from black people in Africa. Third, while it was uncommon there were black slave owners in America. Slavery wasn’t just about racism, it also had to do with money.

And most importantly (in my opinion) not all white people owned slaves. Just the rich ones. So if you think white people owe black people something, then maybe you (and I’m just speaking to anyone who feels this way) should go some geneology research to determine which of us (devil) white people do and don’t owe something to the black community.

With that being said to black people owe other black people. Maybe if we get creative about it we can blame native Americans too. Hell let’s just make the whole world owe black people something!

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Coloma Good point. +lurve

@Blackberry I agree. If anyone has the right to bitch, it’s the Native Americans. +lurve

Coloma's avatar

And what about the Chinese, forced to build the railroads under backbreaking conditions, forced into slavery?

I live in the California Goldrush zone and there were thousands of Chinese ‘workers’ that were exploited and blown to bits in the goldmining industries.

The rope remains the same, just different ends.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Coloma Once again words of wisdom. I like your style.

Coloma's avatar


Likewise. ;-)

Ya’s all about personal conduct.

I am a single woman living on 5 acres and am a firm beliver in paying a more than fair wage for any outside help I employ around my little micro-farm space.

If I cannot afford to pay someone at least $20 an hour for help, I do without or do it myself.

I would be embarressed to offer $8—$10 an hour for hard physical labor.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m pretty much neutral on these situations, because I understand both sides. I’m simply interested in knowing how much of an effect these past actions had on the group in question like jews, blacks etc.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Coloma You own 5 acres? Don’t let psychocandy find out. He/she (you can’t really tell from the name or avatar) will try to get it all taken from you, because you’re one of those (devil) white people.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Blackberry Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back for more. Great answer. +lurve.

Coloma's avatar


Well…I’m pretty sure I have undisclosed native american and pioneer gravesites on my property, no problem making it an ethnic burial ground.

No one will hear your sceams on my little mountain. hahahaha

DominicX's avatar

No, it does not make sense. I strongly reject the concept of the son having to pay for the “sins of the father”.

The idea that any race of people as a whole owe anyone something is ridiculous.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Coloma I didn’t say I would try to take it away from you. Please don’t hurt me, I’m just an innocent cannibal! Speaking of no one would here screaming from your mountain, I have a few enemies may I borrow it sometime? LOL

Coloma's avatar


Sure..clean my barn and you can dump anything that’s biodegradable. lol

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Coloma “Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.” LOL

@DominicX Great answer! +lurve

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Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@noelleptc Oh so spicy! I like that.

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Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@noelleptc LOL. You’re cool with me.

Coloma's avatar

Don’cha hear the underlying whisper here?

‘I am’...take away the colorful shell and that’s all that’s left, a collective soul-ful-ness. ;-)

tedibear's avatar

And if we flip this around, doesn’t the ancestor of some former slave owe something to an abolitionist (like my grandma’s family) who helped them get out of slavery?

woodcutter's avatar

those people who do think that way are more than likely in a group that feel they have good reason not to apply themselves. They will wait for what is owed them…and wait…and wait. Another question is, how many more generations to go before even blacks think this idea is whack? When these rabble- rouser types like Rev Sharpton all go away for good will be a good kick start.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@tedibear Good point! And let’s not forget good old Abe Lincoln.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@woodcutter I agree people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson help keep racial tensions high. The only good thing about them is that someday they will die. LOL

mattbrowne's avatar

For the same reasons Germans born 1935 or later still pay a small amount of taxes that go to Israel and surviving relatives of victims outside of Israel. Many black ancestors owned land in Africa. They were taken to North America against their will. They were forced to work without being able to own land.

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