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InkyAnn's avatar

What is the cutest/funniest thing you have ever heard a young child say or mispronounce?

Asked by InkyAnn (2441points) November 16th, 2010
31 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I have a 3 year old niece, and she says some of the cutest things ive ever heard. Heres some examples:

Fuv , is how she says love, “I fuv you Unt Kiwi” (my name is Keri)

Sook – is look, ” Sook at my new toy!”

syke – is like, “i dont syke that”

The other day I was giving her a bath and needed to wash her bottom, so I told her to turn around so I can was that little hiney of hers, and she says ” I no have a lit-til hiney, I have a big butt…. like mommy”.

I was laughing so hard. I said ”I love you Summer”. ”Do you know why I love you?” and she said ”because I cry when you leave me?

Those are some of the things she says that I think are cute and or funny.

What are some words that are mispronounced or something you have heard young children say that you thought was funny and or cute?

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erichw1504's avatar

Instead of “truck” he said “Look at my fuck!”

Carly's avatar

I had a neighbor you called her toys “doys” and when she pointing to ALL her toys she said “my doy-doys”

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

When my 9 yr old was about 2, she couldn’t say “chocolate”, she pronounced it cockalet. It was so cute!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@erichw1504 my parents claim that I did the same thing as a child. Now my nephew does it. He gets so excited and yells firefuck!!


I love it when kids say “me’s” instead of “my.” as in “This is me’s toy!” It is so cute, but it also says so much about how children’s brains work.

Oh, and I’ve told this story before on fluther.. but one day my nephew, who was about 3 at the time, tilted his head and looked at me very seriously. So I asked what he was looking at… and very softly he replies “Nanny (that’s what he calls me), you have sunshine in your eyes.” Makes my heart swell just thinking about it.

crisw's avatar

When Cirbryn’s four year old daughter presented us with a drawing that looked like a scribble, we asked her what it was.

She looked at us and said “It’s non-representational.”

Smart kid.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@crisw LOL, that is a great story.

Likeradar's avatar

My favorite now 7-year old used to lift his shirt and tell people to look at his “nickles.”

troubleinharlem's avatar

I used to pronounce Chopin as “Show-pan”... that was interesting when I tried to tell my piano teacher that I was the one saying it right and she was the one saying it wrong.

JustJessica's avatar

One day my young nephew was in the shower, he was about 8 years old. He was in the only bathroom in the house, and I had to use the potty, so I go in and cover my eyes (because I noticed he was covering himself) and I said don’t worry I’m not gonna look, then I said besides that I have a little boy and I’ve seen them before. He proceeds to tell me “Yeah cept mines white” , I almost died laughing, because you see, my son is bi-racial and much darker skinned than him. I thought that was the cutest thing ever.

Blondesjon's avatar

Our youngest daughter was feeling a little under the weather and one day, while she lay bedridden, our Priest stopped in to see how things were going and offer us a bit of comfort during what was becoming a rather sad time.

He went upstairs to her room and peeked in.

“How are you doing sweetie?”, he asked.

She tried to reply with I’m ok Father, but what came out was, “Your mother sucks cocks in hell.”

color me embarrassed

Carly's avatar

@Blondesjon I think I just wet my pants. XD

zenvelo's avatar

I saw a little boy a few weeks ago who cried out, “Mom, my ties are unshoed”.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I have little honorary niece who, when she was a little younger than two, was standing between her mother and her aunt while they were having an argument. Her aunt said to her mother, “Fuck you [name]!” and this little girl looked up at her and said, “Fuck you Auntie [name]!”

She also thinks the vacuum is going to eat her feet which she calls “feeties” so whenever anyone runs the vacuum, she sits up on the couch, tucks her feet under her and goes, “It’s going to eat my feeties!”

Then there was the time when I was asking her mother if I had ever told her how my mother found out what a blow job was it has nothing to do with an actual blow job but it is quite a hilarious story so I said, “Have I told you the blow job story?” Her little girl looked right at me and said quite loudly and assertively “YES!” We were at a table full of people who all burst out laughing so she proceeded to yell “yes” for the next few minutes which made us laugh even harder.

This girl is one of the most hilarious people on the planet, I swear. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I was in a super market and there was a father and his son in one of the aisles looking at cereal. The dad asked his (had to be 5 or younger) kid if he wanted some fruity pebbles. The son looks up at his dad and goes “NIGGGA PLEASE”

I almost died laughing.

One of my good friends has a 4 year old. She is the sweetest funny little girl ever. He was out drinking with me the night prior and ended up passing out on the couch. So the next morning she goes running over to him, slaps him and goes “WAKE UP LAZY BONES!!! THERES A COP AT THE DOOR WITH A WARRANT AND HE WANTS TO COME IN NOW!!!” Then casually walked away

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InkyAnn's avatar

@noelleptc Thats funny, and reminded me of when my little brother was about 3 maybe 4, he couldn’t pronounce “sit” it always came out “shit”. Well one day we were grocery shopping with our mother and him and I were sitting on a bench at the end of the check out isle when an old man walked past and my little brother looked at him and said “HEY YOU! Come shit!”

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Inked_up_chic: Haha, awww, so he pronounced things funny and he was a nice kid. Awesome! :)

tedibear's avatar

A friend of mine’s little girl says the “Ring around a-rosies” song with the line, “asses, asses, we all fall down!”

Same girl looked outside and saw that her swing had fallen. Her comment, “My damn swing fell down!”

She wanted juice and her mom was trying to get her to say please, coaxing her with “What do you say?” The little girl’s answer, “Gimme the fucking juice!”

Mama is learning to watch her language…

InkyAnn's avatar

Another time my little brother had my mother and I rolling laughing was, when he was about the same age. It was just the three of us at home and my mother and I notice that it was eerily quiet in the house so we went looking for him. We found the front door open and ran out side. When we got out there my little brother was standing on the roof of my mothers car. She yelled “JESSE JAMES GET YOUR ASS DOWN FROM THERE RIGHT NOW!” And with out missing a beat, he put one hand on his hip and with a saucy look on his face said “Um, how bout no!”. my mother and I had to turn around to keep him from seeing us burst out laughing.

JustJessica's avatar

My little friends daughter was about 4 and my name s is… well obviously my name is Jessica, and she would try to say my name but pronounced it “Hookah” ... So yea she was always calling me a hooker! Made me laugh every time she said it.

Oh and my best friends son is about 4 and he loves that show “Thomas the Train” well there is a train named “Percy” and he pronounces it “pussy” so we are always telling him to say things like “That Percy is a mess” . I’m sure that is considered wrong in The parent handbook, but damn it it’s funny!

InkyAnn's avatar

Oh also, my brother-in-law plays COD all the time and when he gets pissed at the game he yells to high havens “GOD DAMMIT!” Well the other night I was getting my niece some apple juice and when she started to walk out of the kitchen she dropped the cup and yelled “GOD DAMMIT, I DWOPPED MY JUICE!”. If that wasnt funny enough, when i said “HEY, Summer you dont say that, thats a bad word” she goes “no its snot, daddy says it to mommy” with a look of matter of fact on her face. I didnt know what to say….

BarnacleBill's avatar

“Oh, look mommy! Here comes a firefuck!”

Winters's avatar

My parents were the type to see who could get the baby to say Daddy or Mommy first so when my youngest bro came out I decided to hop into the competition without their knowing.

After a while, we were all sitting around the fireplace when my little bro looks up and says loud and clear, “Dad dick,” which is kinda close to my actual name. My parents looked on in utter horror and I ended up choking on some hot cocoa. My Dad claimed it as victory but they still haven’t figured out where the “dick” came from.

jlelandg's avatar

My 8 year old nephew called the dynamic duo Batman and Robert.

meiosis's avatar

Myself and my five year-old daughter, who is a keen spotter of road signs and tries to work out their meaning, are in the car.

Daughter: “Daddy, why aren’t we allowed to use magnets on this road?”

Me: “What????”

Daughter: “I just saw a sign that meant we can’t use magnets on this road”

Me: “Did you????”

Daughter: “Yes…look, there’s another one

Me: “Oh, you sweetie…”

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Cruiser's avatar

My then 4 year old opened the draw of the desk in our hotel room and happily proclaimed…“Look dad the Holly Bibble”!!

J0E's avatar

We used to have a kitten named Garfunkel. My cousin, who was just learning to talk, would say “Garfunkel” like “Gar-fungle” and it was incredibly cute and hilarious.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Aster's avatar

My daughter used to say, “I mell a GUNK. What IS that mell?” And she’d say, “those are the Green Bean Packers.” And, “mommy; where is Rocky Mountain High School?” (speaking of the John Denver song)

Blondesjon's avatar

@J0E . . . your mom is incredibly cute and hilarious

Ron_C's avatar

My wife is a maternity nurse so my kids were clued in pretty early on the ‘birds and bees”. We were at the grocery store check out line when my 4 year old daughter tells the clerk, in a loud high pitched voice, “I know where babies come from!” And before I could stop her she yells our “from your bagina”.

Interesting color on the young clerks face.

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