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daytonamisticrip's avatar

How long does it take you to get over the loss of a pet?

Asked by daytonamisticrip (4859points) November 17th, 2010
14 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Exactly 6 months ago my baby cat went missing. I wanted to keep hoping she’d come back but it just made me sadder. I got over it by writing a song in her honor.
So anyone who has lost a pet how long did it take before you got over it? Did you ever get over it? How did you get over it?

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john65pennington's avatar

Buy a new kitty. this helps to mend a broken heart.

Summum's avatar

If you are attached to your pets like I am to mine then you don’t get over it you just remember the joy they brought into your life and hope that you gave them a good one. Then remember to smile and love them and all animals.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I still miss all my pets who have died.especially Mel
I just remember them fondly :)

crisw's avatar

I’ve never gotten over some of them.

chyna's avatar

I still miss my pets, but as time goes on I don’t think of them every day as I did when they first died. I still talk about them on occasion and have their pictures up. I have a dog now that has a place in my heart as they all do.

marinelife's avatar

It can take a very long time. Sometimes there is a hole in your heart forever.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have a few pets whose death I’ve never been able to truly “get over”. I still feel sad and misty-eyed when I think about them.

Aster's avatar

If it’s as painful as I think it’ll be I don’t want anymore pets. At least I pray they’ll go painlessly as in kidney failure. I never thought I’d be glad the poor things have a fenced yard.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I still haven’t gotten over my opossum and it has been 3 months. My heart still hurts and I’m still blaming people for her death too. I cried over her about two days ago. I really miss my opossum. :(

Paradox's avatar

It can take a long time especially if you were very close with your pet and had them for many years. I’m still grieving over the loss of my longtime pet cats close to two years ago. I adopted a stray kitten that was hanging around outside my house so that helped.

A new pet can help lessen the grief but you don’t get over it easy. Same with all the other cats and dogs I had for pets growing up.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Depends on the pet. Like I loose fish here and there and it sucks but its not a huge deal. When I lost my porcupine puffer, frogfish and especially my mantis shrimp I was upset for a while over it. Especially my mantis shrimp. I really loved her. Definitely one of my favorite animals I’d like to get one again some day but not until I know I have the time to really dedicate to doing it properly. My busy life led to her death so that makes me feel even worse about that whole matter. I dont want to do that to another animal.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

We had a dog that died when I was about 3, so I don’t remember her. I really wish I did, though, because my brother and my parents said she was such a good dog. But then we got a new dog that was the only pet I remember having growing up. He died 4 days before Christmas last year. I never really cried, but I was sad about him dying, even though I never really liked him that much. I guess when you live with any animal for that long, it takes a while to get used to having him gone. But then in March we got a new puppy. I will be really sad when I move out and leave him, because he’s my baby. I guess I’ll be alright though.

chyna's avatar

I just got this poem in an email and thought I would share it:

I shall never forget-
The sweetness of your face,
The softness of your fur,
The brightness of your eyes;
Your playful personality.

I shall always remember—
The happiness that we shared,
The way you licked my face,
Your drooling when I fed you;
Your unconditional love.

I shall always treasure—
Your first day with us,
Your toughness during illness,
Your last day on this earth;
Your glorious life with us.

lovable's avatar

I never will get over my pets. They were a part of my life. They were the real thing. No falseness. They were there for me when I was going threw a lot.
My pets seemed to have made a big difference in my life. Has anyone felt like how I feel?

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