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harple's avatar

What would your "Happy-rating" be?

Asked by harple (10455points) November 25th, 2010
12 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

In the UK today, the government announced it’s going to be conducting a happiness-survey to find out what our nation’s happiness rating is… Sometimes it’s better not to ask, right?! Only going to cost 2 million pounds apparently; bargain!

On one of the national radio stations today, they had an “expert” in with a sample of 4 questions that she thought should be included in the survey. So, if you would like to take part in a mini Fluther-based experiment, please answer away!

1 – How loved do you feel? (Do please expand as you see fit.)
2 – If you could change your life in one way, what would it be?
3 – When you wake up in the morning, what is your first thought?
4 – Imagine all your money, all your possessions are gone (in an instant); what would you have left?

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tedibear's avatar

1. How loved? I’m not sure how to put that on a scale. I know I’m loved, that’s as far as I can get.

2. I would be pretty. Is that shallow? Maybe, but I have the other things that I need.

3. 5 more minutes… just 5 more minutes

4. A good heart, a fairly intelligent mind, three or four potential decent work paths to make back my money, friends and family that care. Not listed in order of importance

TexasDude's avatar

1— Extremely.
2— I would make the two halves of my family get along better.
3— Fuck yeah, a new day.
4— My skills. It wouldn’t take me long to re-acquire every physical thing I had lost.

mandybookworm's avatar

1. on a scale… about a six
2. Not be so creepy (apparently I also talk to softly)
3. ugh, stupid alarm clock
4. my friends, my faith, school

harple's avatar

Great answers! @tedibear I can sure relate to the 5 more minutes!

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Gotta love that answer to no.3!

@mandybookworm you are intriguing! Creepy huh?!

Ps – answers don’t need to be on a scale :) but you may like to list the reasons for how loved you feel, or whatever you like!

daytonamisticrip's avatar

1. I have my brother who loves me very much, never shows it. I have my Dad who lives very far away and I hardly get to talk to him but I know he loves me with all the fire in his heart. Then I have my one true friend who I am being separated from. Over all I feel loved by these people and nobody else.
2. get away from people forever, but I can’t so oh well.
3. nothing.
4. I would have my brother and my Dad would come find me. I have no clue if my mom would stick around and I know my stepfather wouldn’t.

AmWiser's avatar

1. Not only do I feel, but I know I am loved unconditionally
2. I would be forever 40
3. Damn, I gotta go pee
4. My life, my health, and the mentality to move forward

Berserker's avatar

1 – How loved do you feel?
I denno, I don’t think anyone loves me, but a lot of people like me, or tolerate me at least, it’s always something. And not that I’d give a shit either way lol.

2 – If you could change your life in one way, what would it be?
Fuckall, I’m good. At least, for stuff that would most likely change me too much, and that I’d regret in the long run…could do with fewer debts though.

3 – When you wake up in the morning, what is your first thought?
fhdunasvklcfjkdfjds;xaskljkl;fsamxcdfjklsjfdjskb tr gfarom;ckjlwe;kkdoorekwl

4 – Imagine all your money, all your possessions are gone (in an instant); what would you have left?
My life, good enough right?

augustlan's avatar

1) Very much so. I have a wonderful husband who tells me so several times a day and always kisses me goodbye, a step-father who couldn’t be more my father if he were a blood relative, 3 great children who aren’t a bit shy about sharing their hearts with me, and a few great friends.
2) I would be pain-free. There are other things that could be better (debt, old house, etc), but being pain-free would make a world of difference in my life.
3) Ouch. Ow, ow, ow. Fuck. Sometimes, there are tears.
4) Life and love.

partyparty's avatar

1. I feel extremely loved, by my family, friends and my two furry animals!
2. To be forever young.
3. This bed is just toooooo comfortable… do I really have to get up right now
4. A kind heart and a caring soul

Jaxk's avatar

1. I’m loved by those who matter most to me.
2. I wish I’d given my son less stuff and more time.
3. I gotta go with @AmWiser on this one. But I might add “Right Now’.
4. Old age.

cubozoa's avatar

1. Not too bad thanks. Can’t complain.
2. Live nearer family (and mountains)
3. My internal monologue goes something along the lines of “Do I have to get up today? Why do I have to get up today? Surely it is someone else’s turn to get up today. Why is life so unfair.” I get a bit less moany once I’ve had some coffee.
4. All my possessions? I get to keep the clothes I’m wearing, right?

harple's avatar

Thank you all!

My answers would be:

1 – How loved do you feel?
I know I am very loved, by my family and by friends I care about. I don’t have a partner, and miss the love that comes with this, but I am content and certainly feel very loved.

2 – If you could change your life in one way, what would it be?
I would love to be settled and “sorted” rather than endlessly discovering it’s not quite what life had planned for me, but I’m enjoying the journey.

3 – When you wake up in the morning, what is your first thought?
“Is it really that time already?” and then I lean over to my phone, snooze the alarm, pop the light and radio on to help me wake up, and do a quick check of my emails on the phone.

4 – Imagine all your money, all your possessions are gone (in an instant); what would you have left?
I would be free!!!

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