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JustJessica's avatar

How do I get my cat to stop destroying the Christmas tree?

Asked by JustJessica (4054points) November 28th, 2010
18 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I really don’t want to have to redecorate my tree EVERYDAY! What can I do to keep her away from it? I’ve been spraying her with water every time she gets close to it, but as soon as no one is in the room she’s at it again.

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syz's avatar

You could try a repellent spray, but they’re not usually very effective. You could place something with a texture that she dislikes around the tree (double sided tape), or you could try scaring her away from it (upside down mouse traps that spring into the air when she brushes against them). Of course, you risk having the tree knocked over if she panics. If you can find one, the most effective option is probably going to be a scat mat. Or, you could make sure that you buy unbreakable ornaments and feel happy that you’ve provided your cat with entertainment during the day.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (3points)
JustJessica's avatar

@syz Thanks for the link. Not sure I want to shock her though. I might get a giant scat mat for my kids though!!! LOL

bobbinhood's avatar

When my cat was a kitten, we kept all the decorations higher on the tree so she couldn’t reach them. She tried to climb it once, but it started to fall over and scared her badly enough that she didn’t do that again. Now that she’s older, she doesn’t mess with anything that isn’t hanging below the bottom of the tree.

helkie's avatar

Oh I’ve been there before. I simply just gently sprayed my cat with water.

Blueroses's avatar

set a few wooden moustraps upside down under the tree skirt or a sheet of paper. Kitty (and children) won’t get hurt but the action scares her away from the area. Works also to keep kitty off countertops.

marinelife's avatar

If your cat bothers the tree, you should probably not use tinsel on it or garland. Cats have been known to eat tinsel.

JustJessica's avatar

@marinelife No garland or tinsel here.
@Blueroses Great idea, I’m going to try that!
@helkie I have my spray bottle in hand as we speak.

Thank you for the good ideas everyone.

YARNLADY's avatar

Put aluminum foil all around the base of the tree and out as far as you want to keep the cat away. They hate walking on that noisy stuff.

GladysMensch's avatar

A full-grown baboon chained to the base of the tree should repel all house cats. Otherwise, if your cat is like mine, you might be out of luck.

BarnacleBill's avatar

I second aluminum foil.

bobbinhood's avatar

@GladysMensch Then you have the question of how to keep the baboon from messing up the tree. I get the suspicion this could quickly turn into the old lady who swallowed a fly.

Kardamom's avatar

I have heard that cats don’t like the scent of oranges. You could put some cut oranges in pie pans or plastic dishes around the tree and see if that helps. If it doesn’t at least it smells good and won’t hurt kitty.

helkie's avatar

@Kardamom exactly! Cats hate the sent of citrus fruit! Hahaha why didnt I think of that before?!? Hahaha! ;)

ucme's avatar

Wrap a garland of tinsel around it’s neck & place those fuckin awful…..cute little fake antlers atop it’s head. It should be sufficiently embarrassed to not err again. Here endeth the lesson kittykins! :¬)

From_The_Ashes's avatar

Get a Great Dane to guard it.

JustJessica's avatar

You guys crack me up… I love the suggestions! As far as getting the great Dane to guard it I would feel so sorry for the dog when my super cat beat it up!!!

Blueroses's avatar

I read up a bit on the “does citrus deter cats” question and it seems to be anecdotally true. It made me wonder if it would be effective to make some pomanders to hang as ornaments on the tree?

JustJessica's avatar

@Blueroses Great idea!

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