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caveman's avatar

Need diamond eternity band?

Asked by caveman (25points) December 2nd, 2010
7 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I am looking for an diamond eternity band for my wife for our 13th anniversary. She has a engagement ring and I want an eternity matching band. Anyone has any suggestions where I should start first? I have been digging around the internet and came across this website thefacetscollection I don’t know anything about them but read their testimonials and they seem reputable. Can anybody share their thought about this company?

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YARNLADY's avatar

I would never look for something that precious on the internet. Go to one of the reputable jewelry stores in your area where you can see the product ahead of time.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Go to a big shopping mall where you can visit several jewelry stores in one stop. Ask to look at their eternity bands in the quality you think you want. Look at the stones under a 10 power loupe and pay attention to the cuts and how the stones are set in the bands. After a day of looking at like items then your brain will begin to recognize what makes all those things cost in the same category.

Now go to a series of pawn shops and look at eternity bands. They’ll usually be marked with color and clarity. Ask to look at the rings with a ten power loupe and if you want to feel more secure then ask for them to zap the stones with a diamond tester if you find a ring you really like. Your eyes will recognize what’s similar to what you looked at in the retail stores and most pawn have someone who clean and freshly polish jewelry.

Judi's avatar

I would never buy diamonds over the intranet. They ARE a touchy feely purchase.

caveman's avatar

Today, I might go to a local jeweler in the city. There are a lot of retail stores on 47th street. Perhaps I will find what I am looking for. What should I look for in the diamonds?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@caveman: Look for diamond flaws preferrable to be in the bottom ¾ of the stone, below the “girdle”, the girdle itself should be as fine a line and even as possible all around the stone, highly polished. If you ask to look at GIA graded stones then look at VVS1 (very very slight infections, flaws not so noticable when looking straight into the stone with a loupe.) Color D, E & F will look very “white”, the most common G/H stones will have a yellow tint while not being called “fancy yellow” yet.

Have fun and don’t be afraid to ask the jewelers questions because they know if you understand what makes up the price of a stone then most people will buy the best they can afford and everyone is happy that way.

caveman's avatar

@Neizvestnaya: Your information was definitely useful. Thanks to you, when I went to the jeweler, I already had some background knowledge about diamonds. I was going from jewel to a jeweler and came across that company which I spoke about earlier. It seems that most jewelers online are located on 47th street. So I went to The Facets Collection. They have their own store. They didn’t have much on-hand probably because most of their stuff is custom. There was a lovely lady who helped understand everything about diamonds. She didn’t push me in buying the best rather gave me a recommendation what to buy to match my wife’s engagement ring. Apparently, the center stone of the engagement ring and the diamonds of the eternity band must match in color and clarity. In any case, I will probably go with the eternity band which I saw online link. I will have the image of my wife’s hand wearing an eternity band posted when the ring is ready. Thank you all.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@caveman: Hurrah for you and your wife!

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