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Anatelostaxus's avatar

What's your weirdest (though entertaining/thought-provoking) film ever?

Asked by Anatelostaxus (1428points) December 6th, 2010
33 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

By the way, another question in a question..
Someone please tell me the title to that film…awh..can’t recall it quite well, except for a scene or two: I remember this terminator/predator-like guy lurking in an alley and surprising a woman from behind, she screams as she falls, the “thing” pulls out a sort of straw-like object, sticks it in her chest and begins sucking this white substance from her… and to another guy, this creature sticks the straw-like protuberance into his head and sucks out his brains (i suppose… it was a white substance as well.)
I’m not saying this is amongst my favourites, it just came to mind.

Back to the original question, a few I can think of are:
Dog Star Man,
.. can’t recal any others for now… I’ll post them along the way.

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nebule's avatar

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Kayak8's avatar

Spitfire Grill and Big Fish

coffeenut's avatar

The Guyver was weird.

erichw1504's avatar


marinelife's avatar

One that I found weird but enjoyable was Mindwalk.

Cruiser's avatar

Being John Malkovich

mrentropy's avatar

Repo Man (1984)
Cherry 2000 (1987)
Brazil (1985)
After Hours (1985)
Something Wild (1986)
Liquid Sky (1982)

erichw1504's avatar

Almost forgot: Donnie Darko

filmfann's avatar

Jacob’s Ladder.

your movie sounds like Soul Taker

Trillian's avatar

I don’t know how entertaining you’d call it, but Gummo was definitely thought provokng.

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FutureMemory's avatar

Eraserhead was super weird.

snowberry's avatar

What the Bleep Do We Know?
Awesome movie.

ucme's avatar

I love old sci fi B movies. The pick of a weird & wonderful bunch being Robot Monster!

Summum's avatar

What the Bleep Do We Know Down the Rabbit Hole. Was good too.

kenmc's avatar

@FutureMemory said what I was going to say. Eraserhead, while being absolutely bizarre, makes you think… and more about what it meant than what the hell actually happened (unlike Donnie Darko, where it was basically all tauntology).

jenandcolin's avatar

I agree with Eraserhead.
Also: El Topo and Inland Empire (another Lynch film)

Bluefreedom's avatar

A Clockwork Orange
Blue Velvet
Mulholland Drive
Jacob’s Ladder

Fairylover78's avatar

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ( if you haven’t seen it, you really should!)
A Clockwork Orange
And almost all of Darren Aronofsky’s stuff… Pi, Requiem for a dream, The Fountain, the Wrestler and haven’t seen Black Swan, but looking forward to it. ( his stuff is really depressing, a bit weird, but very thought provoking)

Anatelostaxus's avatar

It seems everyone’s neglecting “The Wall”... even though it must be given for granted.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Soylent Green- when I saw it as a teen then I thought it was corny but weird. As an adult when I’ve seen it then it’s made me cry.

@Anatelostaxus: “The Wall” was cool, a “Tommy” for the 80’s crowd.

Xena's avatar

Mulholland Drive still reigns as my benchmark ‘Weirdest Film Ever’.

I have had people try to explain it to me and no matter what they say, it does not make it any less weird. Watching that movie high is like a free acid trip. It’s surreal.

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ETpro's avatar

A Boy and His Dog made a lasting impression on me.

Cruiser's avatar

@ETpro I saw that eons ago and thought it was one of the most unusual movies at the time I had ever seen. Besides being post apocalyptic it was just raw from every angle of the human senses I just sat and said “oh wow!” It helped to have a telekinetic dog that found women and food for his master! That was pretty cool!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Cruiser and @ETpro : Wasn’t that Don Johnson?

mrentropy's avatar

@JilltheTooth Yes. It was also supposed to be on my list.

Neizvestnaya's avatar


Fairylover78's avatar

@Anatelostaxus Yes, the Wall is definately one that should have been on my list, Thanks!

gespect's avatar

there are a few movies which i’ve tried to anyone to watch but no one will.
‘freeze frame’
‘small town folk’
but the one that seems to fit your bill is: ‘code 46’
i love sleep. i can not stand being tired. to me sleep is the most important. now that i’ve said that, think about this:
‘when i watched ‘code 46 i was either sleepy or the movie bored me near to death. even with this need for sleep i could not shut it off be cause it was so complex and interesting. i would forgo going to sleep for nothing! but this kept me watching—and there really isn’t any action.
i would like to try an experimant with this film—it’s the only film that ever made me want to try this experiment. i would like to get some lawyers, geneticists, psychologests [and or psychiatrists] maybe sociologists, doctors, and regular lay-folk to watch this movie at 10:00 am and then watch them discuss it. i believe that the discussion would go on for over 8 hours.

once again, it’s called: ‘code 46’. will anyone ever watch?

Fairylover78's avatar

Just Saw Black Swan Last night and still can’t get it off my mind. Thought provoking, chilling, AMAZING. Darren Aronofski has outdone himself this time. Man, I still have chills…..

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