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awomanscorned's avatar

What could be causing my stomach to hurt?

Asked by awomanscorned (11261points) December 28th, 2010
33 responses
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None of the dr’s I’ve been to have answers. If I eat past 4 I am nauseous the rest of the night. For hours. I can’t sleep and I’m gaggy. If I don’t eat, I’m fine, not hungry or anything. It’s doing wonders for fitting back into my skinny jeans but I know it’s not normal. I’m thinking maybe acid reflux or something? Have any of you jellies had this?

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chyna's avatar

My ex had acid reflux and his issues didn’t sound like yours, but that doesn’t mean anything, symptoms are different for each individual.
Have you had yourself checked for food allergies? Do you eat the same types of food a lot?
Maybe you can start a food diary, writing down everything you eat that day and what reactions you are having afterwards.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@noelleptc Have you tried taking an antacid of some sort?

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My stomach sometimes gets really acidic, and if I try to eat it feels like my throat is closing up a little and I’ll gag, and it usually hits around 4 or 5 o’clock at night. Rolaids worked better for me than tums.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Mine’s before. Doesn’t sound similar to yours. My stomach would hurt when it was empty when I was in college. Do you have any problem eating?

JustJessica's avatar

Have the doctors tested you for Celiac disease?

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@JustJessica GA. What about gluten N?

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have you traveled anywhere, eaten out, or done anything out of the usual routine?
Amoeba cause dysentery.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I knew you were kidding. :) But if you’ve lost 10 pounds in that time frame something is going on.

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mrlaconic's avatar

One thing to try is with apple cider vinegar. Taking a tablespoon or two in a couple ounces of water with each meal may help. This cider vinegar helps to digest food because it is very similar to stomach acid.

Make sure you get the good stuff – from a health food store since the stuff in the supermarket isn’t always high quality. Also, make sure you shake it before you use it because the sediment is an important part of the effectiveness.

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mrlaconic's avatar

@noelleptc it helped me.. I used to get upset stomach every day at the same time 6PM on the dot right when I left work :| But definitely worth a shot anyways. Sucking on ginger or black licorice have helped settled bad upset stomach also.also

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@noelleptc Do you eat yogurt? That might help.
Eat sounds a little better. Thanks chyna.

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mrlaconic's avatar

I have not tried mint tea for an update stomach. Yogurt does help but not directly. its the acidophilus in yogurt that attacks any bad bacteria.. so you could take yogurt or you could just get some straight acidophilus

TexasDude's avatar

I have this exact same problem, only I can’t eat before 4pm. I can’t remember the last time I had breakfast without having debilitating stomach pains afterward.

What is your stress level? It turns out that stress was the primary cause of my issues.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@noelleptc FPCB has an excellent point. Did it start just before finals?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Could it be a gallbladder issue? Does that sort of thing run in your family, perhaps? We have a long family history of gallbladders going wonky at a young age, and when mine followed suit, I couldn’t eat anything. It was more likely to act up later in the day, because after having eaten a meal or two in the morning/afternoon, it would be irritated.
Stress is also a good possibility.
I agree that yogurt and mint tea are both extremely soothing to an upset stomach. (Go figure, I am one of those people that doesn’t do well without my gallbladder, so I am always sick to my stomach.) I went through a phase where I was having a lot of indigestion, which is extremely rare for me, but apple cider vinegar helped tremendously. I no longer have the problem with heartburn, so it might be worth a shot. Also, I read an article recently in a science magazine (I forget which one) that ACV actually does assist in weight loss, as has been claimed for many years. So, if you’re trying to drop a few pounds, that couldn’t hurt. It may or may not help, but it couldn’t hurt. :)

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I also can’t help but wonder if at least part of it is being reinforced in your head. Worrying about feeling sick if you eat in the evening might be contributing to making you feel sick. Wouldn’t rule that out, either.

gondwanalon's avatar

Have you been around any unusual chemicals? Maybe you were poisoned.

Did your doctor check your serum amylase and lypase levels? This will eliminate a possible pancreas problem.

Maybe you just ate someting that was bad.

JustJessica's avatar

They used an ultrasound to see that I had gallstones. Maybe you have stones, I don’t know if blood tests would tell you if you have a stone.

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filmfann's avatar

How long since your last period?

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BarnacleBill's avatar

You mentioned you were sick recently; were you on antibiotics? If so, you might need to take probiotics. Barring that, try the BRAT diet – bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Sometimes if you haven’t eaten for awhile, anything in your stomach will make you not feel right.

Also, have you been checked for strep? Sometimes that gives you stomach issues instead of a sore throat.

JustRaceIt's avatar

It could be nerves, worry, stress or liver acting up. Have your Dr. check for an ulcer. A simple blood test to check for Hyper Bacter Pyloric might give you an answer. This blood test is simpler than the invasive cameras, or awful black and white upper GI medicine for ulcers etc.. A blood test is all that’s really needed to test for a hyper active pyloric count. If so, it is easily treated with antibiotics and Prevacid.

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