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Robby's avatar

Do you get more of a satisfied feeling/response from seeing an actual picture of the he/she leaving or answering a question?

Asked by Robby (252points) April 9th, 2008
36 responses
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Really not a big deal but I was wondering if anyone felt like they get more out of the question or answer from seeing what the person looks like. I hope this is a fluther worthy question?

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hairypalm's avatar

I like to see the diff pictures. I try to change my pic offten. I think I’m going to put my real picture up today.

gailcalled's avatar

I am much more interested in the age of the querent or answerer. Then I know how exercised I should become when I can’t understand the question or the point. (I am 71)

kevbo's avatar

Not really, although I have in the past associated some iconic flutherers with their generic jellyfish and then had to do double takes when a newbie also took that icon.

Also, for a time, there was an image that I always confused with gailcalled’s because the color palette and patterns were similar. Can’t remember who that was.

Robby's avatar

@hairypalm…Nice evil monkey
@gailcalled…LoL..Your not really 71.

skfinkel's avatar

I like the jellyfish. I now associate the icon with the person. But don’t mind the pictures.

Les's avatar

I like the mystique. Besides, I don’t want to change mine. I like my snowman melting on Waikiki. Although, I have this kick ass pic of me and the Comic Book Guy. Hmmm..

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (0points)
klaas4's avatar

Gail, you were 72.5 right?

ccatron's avatar

I could care less whether or not a flutherer uses their real picture. But, I would rather see people use custom avatars instead of the ones that “come with fluther”. Not that there’s anything wrong with the jellyfish…it’s just easier to distinguish who’s who.

65Stang's avatar

nah, she’s 39.99!

bulbatron9's avatar

I always look at the username, because I change mine frequently.

Right now, I have my little jellyfish that’s in my wife’s tummy as my avatar!

hairypalm's avatar

gratz bulba!

Robby's avatar


65Stang's avatar

is it a boy or girl?

bulbatron9's avatar

A precious little girl! We’re due July 5th, and that was the first ultrasound picture! We are getting a 3D ultrasound on the 18th! I can’t wait to hold her! I tear up just thinking about this miracle coming to my wife and me!

hairypalm's avatar

You will love it! Nothing like having a daddy’s lil’girl.

gailcalled's avatar

@all: Kevbo is really very handsome and has chosen his avatar out of perversity.

Bulb; be careful about overdoing the ultrasounds. There are some questions about that as the baby’s brain is developing…which is right now. Better safe than sorry. The 2D one looks beautiful. (skfinkel is an expert in this area, FWIW.)

@all; I was born on Dec.31, 1936 – do the math. Or check w. my nephew, Ben. And how do you think I have been able to collect so much trivia?

hairypalm's avatar

I had all my 3 jellyfish 3ded and there okay. I have a great DVD of the whole video. I use to watch it when I was in Iraq. I missed the first 6~7 months of my lil’male jellyfish but I have that awesome 3d video! Get it and love it bro!

kevbo's avatar

Awww… shucks. ;-)

gailcalled's avatar

@Kev; truth will always out. g

lovelyy's avatar

I like seeing the persons face or at least something they are interested in. I feel i will understand the questions/answers better.

El_Cadejo's avatar

im with ccarton, doesn’t really have to be a picture of them, but a costume picture is always better. Just so i can at a glance see who it is rather than read the names. It is nice to be able to put a face to the name though. Right now i only have my eye ill have to get around to uploading a picture of the rest of my face. ^_^

gailcalled's avatar

Well, as many people have said, The eyes have it.

bulbatron9's avatar

@ubs Your pupil is huge!

65Stang's avatar

what is it, 2x zoom?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@65stang what?

Vincentt's avatar

Not necessarily a picture, but at least something to distinguish one. Multiple people with the same avatar is confusing.
And perhaps some consistency. After a while you start associating a person with his/her avatar, so if it changes, you lose track.

@gailcalled – 71?! 0.o
Wow :)

gailcalled's avatar

@Vincentt: I am really cool. Dank u (did I get it right this time?)

And you see, aging is NOT the kiss of death (at least, not yet.)

Vincentt's avatar

Dank u is perfect :) (Well, “u” is a formal form, like the German “Sie”, informal would be “je”. It’s a valid sentence though :)

And absolutely, aging is not the kiss of death. But I already knew that, my almost-85-year-old grandpa proves that :)

skfinkel's avatar

Just to clarify on the ultrasound question: I think more research needs to be done on the critical periods of intense brain development in utero: like from the 8th week to the 16th week. I personally wouldn’t have one of those done unless it was totally absolutely necessary to save the baby’s life. And those are probably not needed until the very end of pregnancy.

hairypalm's avatar

Nah, It’s safe. I bet it’s safer than walking downtown LA at 3am with a nice gold chain hanging of your neck.

Randy's avatar

I like to see what other people look like, but that doesn’t have an effect on my answers to their questions.

Robby's avatar

LOL…I’m new so i’m just getting the feel for life in fluther.

gailcalled's avatar

@vincentt; dank je? And is your grandpa single?

The problem w. head shots here is that they are very small and hard to distinguish – unless it is – is it? – one of Chuck. Or do I need new glasses ;).

65Stang's avatar

@uberbatman the picture of your eye, is it at a 2x zoom?

El_Cadejo's avatar

no i just took a close up picture of my eye and cropped it.

Vincentt's avatar

@gailcalled – you got it :) (And my grandpa’s been a widower for the last fourty years or-so :P)

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