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Cruiser's avatar

WTH is this?? Was I hit by a meteor?

Asked by Cruiser (40449points) January 14th, 2011
64 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I came home from work and noticed this 3 foot diameter melted circle on the edge of my garage roof with a huge dent in the gutter. Now the whole roof is covered in snow except for this circle, and the outer edge of the circle is all ice as if a huge hair dryer melter the snow. I don’t have any better pics yet….more in the AM but all I can think is I sustained a hit by a meteor?!? This is no joke Jellies!! Picture above in the link

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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes,you were!
It is a winter crop circle

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t know what it is, but I’m hoping someone will solve the mystery – because that is weird.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s the Fu bird, and boy am I happy this a social question.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Is your garage heated? Or is that edge of the garage near a stove or furnace? By the chimney? Could heat be coming somewhere from inside that wall to have caused the snow to melt that way?

Cruiser's avatar

New photo….this i really freaking me out! In this picture you can get a better idea of the weirdness of this all. Notice in the lower left the dent in the gutter. None of this was there is morning when I went to work. Bizarre!!

Cruiser's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie No….this is all in the middle of the roof line almost out over the door of the garage which is not heated! So unless a Giraffe sneezed on my roof I have no real idea and with the huge dent in my gutter now something fell out of the sky and with the outer rim of the bare area is all ice what ever it was had to have been hot!!

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Maybe Angels making Snow Angels on my roof??

pallen123's avatar

Strange. Maybe ice falling from a plane?

choreplay's avatar

The roof shingles appear to be intact. Do they have any damage?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

did you get up on a ladder to take this pic? How did you even notice?

blueiiznh's avatar

here is my WAG on it. Theree are two seperate things going on in this picture. The circle melt is one thing and the gutter crease is something different.
The circle in my wild ass guess is simply melt going on. You can see signs of the melting along the edge and especially in the center of the photo. The lack of snow in this formation was caused by the melt starting in the middle and radiating outward. As it got near the edge, it continued the melt down and a sliding in the snow can be seen to the lower left of the circle.
The gutter event is not related and caused by something that pulled on it. There is a scratch in the paint right of center. There is a significant difference in the amount of snow in the gutter near the buckle and to the left. This is consitent to the snow slide, but not to why the gutter is scratched and buckled.
I say the answer is one of two things and more pictures will help clear it.
1) snow melt caused the circle and the gutter was that way already from some other incident.
2) Mrs Peacock, with the lead pipe in the Library murdered Professor Plum!

funkdaddy's avatar

I agree, two separate things. A windshield, window, or mirror reflected light on your roof for the melted area. The gutter is probably older and just not as obvious without the snow melt to draw your attention.

Cruiser's avatar

@blueiiznh I will admit there was some corruption of the crime scene as I and my son were looking and sifting through the snow for whatever it was that caused this event. The roof has a good pitch so the circular melt pattern is what is so curious and the proximity of the dent in the gutter edge is what is even more unusual. And I cannot find any damage to the roof shingles.

Berserker's avatar

What the fuck is that? I couldn’t say, but let us know if you figure it out. :/

Taciturnu's avatar

I agree, two seperate things.

The dent occurred when the creepy dude was climbing up there. (Guess he didn’t know about the weight limit of gutters.) The melt occurred as he played his harmonica on your roof. The sound of your car scared him back into the woods as you pulled up. Make sure you lock your doors to prevent him from entering tonight. Once they play the harmonica on your roof, they try to come inside to seek warmth.

Seriously, I wish you luck figuring it out. That’s all I got.

Cruiser's avatar

@Taciturnu I think you may be on to something! My neighbor fits your creepy dude description to a tee!!

blueiiznh's avatar

@Cruiser we all love this mystery. create more for us…errrr find more for us :D

Taciturnu's avatar

@Cruiser You have a creepy neighbor who plays the harmonica on your roof? I’m relieved I’m not the only one here with this embarassing plight.

Cruiser's avatar

@Taciturnu Sounded more like a kazoo to me. And there is only one other Jelly who I know plays the Kazoo.. ;)

Taciturnu's avatar


john65pennington's avatar

Your circle definetely has something to do with a heat source. if you look closely at your photo, you will see where the snow has melted and gravity has taken the moisture down to your gutter.

Cruiser's avatar

@Taciturnu that is what she said!! ;)

Cruiser's avatar

@john65pennington I will take more pics in the AM and try to figure this out!!

vocalthoughts's avatar

You’ve been marked for abduction. Walk with caution.

jazmina88's avatar

hippo took a squat on your roof and had hard time getting up….thus the gutter.

choreplay's avatar

I would look from the inside. Wouldn’t be surprised if this area was missing insulation or there was a motor or some other heat source there.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m glad that fruitcake I lobbed at you finally arrived.

DominicX's avatar

UFO landing, or near landing. The heat from the craft did that. This reminds me of when my friend had perfectly straight lines of dead grass on his back lawn. It looked as if some kind of metal poles or thin wooden boards had been lying on the lawn long enough for the grass underneath to die in perfect straight lines, but of course, no such poles were ever on the lawn. Looked more to me like an alien landing strip…(that mystery was never solved, by the way, and I saw it in person)...

Coloma's avatar

Heh! Interesting.

Just to be safe in case some sort of alien pod was deposited on your roof, I’d sleep with the lights on and sprinkle flour around the house to expose alien activity.

Are you or any of your family missing blocks of time? lol

Aster's avatar

Lucky you. A small UFO from the mother ship landed on your roof. Now you have to check for radiation inside the circle or along the edges. So cool, C. Look at it through a magnifying glass for any tiny damage , etc from the UFO.

cockswain's avatar

Just occurred to me that aliens could easily be tiny compared to us and fly in ships the size of pebbles. So obviously this photo is proof these tiny aliens do indeed exist, and one of them landed on your garage. There may have been a leaf that rustled in your gutter they mistakenly fired their weapons at it. When they realized that they’d accomplished little more than interstellar vandalism, they got the hell out of there to avoid getting caught.

Cruiser's avatar

Mulder and Sculley just left….they determined that apparently an alien ejected from a disintegrating flying saucer and landed on it’s butt on my garage roof. My property is cordoned off and my computers have been confiscated. Anybody know a good lawyer versed in extraterrestrial visitations?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Are you going to sue the alien for damages? You might want to establish an appropriate currency substitute for the purposes of compensation.

Cruiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth No need to…the bidding for snow melted by alien ass on E-bay is brisk and I will be rich by the end to the day! XD

cockswain's avatar

@Cruiser Alien ass: would you?

Aster's avatar

@Cruiser Quick ! Call MUFON if you detect any signs of damage or radiation levels and you’ll be on tv !

JilltheTooth's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

da DAAA, da DAA-ay. – - – - – Richard Dreyfus

Coloma's avatar

I’m not having dinner in an alien invasion zone. Nice try.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I vote for the UFO landing pad. Actually….I’M SCARED NOW!!!!

As for the melt…how long have you lived in the house? Has it ever done that before? Has a tree or something grown over the top of the garage so that the snow never fell on that part of the roof anyway? That is really weird. I got hit my a meteor once. It hit the windshield of my car. But it didn’t melt it or anything.

Cruiser's avatar

@Coloma I found fresh Alien road kill on my roof and have it on my Weber….Yum!!

cockswain's avatar

@Cruiser dead alien ass: would you?

Cruiser's avatar

The inspector has landed!! LOL! I just found out what this was all about. Last week we had our home inspected by the buyers of my home, and apparently the poor guy slipped on the ladder, bent the gutter and hit the ground pretty hard and got banged up pretty good.

Always seems to be a logical explanation for most things in life….most things! ;)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Damn. I was really groovin’ on the whole alien thing. ;-)

Cruiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth Me too! I feel bad the guy got hurt too!

blueiiznh's avatar

@Cruiser I have been so waiting for an update. Thanks. I feel like Monk. Damn did I nail it or what!

Cruiser's avatar

@blueiiznh Nice work there figuring out Mrs. Plum hit the house inspector on the ladder on the head with the lead pipe! <<Hands him the trophy>>

JilltheTooth's avatar

So, insensitive bitch that I am, I forgot to ask. Is the inspector OK?

blueiiznh's avatar

@JilltheTooth took the words outta my mouth. I hope they are not burried in the snow still.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Hey, @blueiiznh , you don’t know me well enough to call me an insensitive bitch! ;-)

blueiiznh's avatar

@JilltheTooth i wasnt referncing the IB part. I was asking about the inspector. But now that you bring it up….

blueiiznh's avatar

@JilltheTooth you are correct…...

blueiiznh's avatar

@JilltheTooth i don’t know you well enough

JilltheTooth's avatar

Nice save, Fella

JilltheTooth's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

sorta kinda, kinda sorta

Cruiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth @blueiiznh Judging by the lack of red snow on the ground and the favorable inspection report I will have to say he is OK!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah man! That’s a bummer. But I really did get hit by a meteor. I know it was a meteor and not an inspector.

talljasperman's avatar

I wonder if your insurance includes meteor’s?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser… All your pics are gone. :(

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I totally forgot I had that pic and yes I probably purged it out of PB a while ago.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Well then, it never happened!

Cruiser's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Maybe…maybe not. I know I have the pic on a dead computer somewhere…just got better things to do than chase down a photo.

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