General Question

mindful's avatar

How do you spend your day?

Asked by mindful (345points) January 18th, 2011
17 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

What does your schedule consist of?
Exercise? Lunch?
watch shows online?
read a book?
Socialize with friends?
Browse internet?
take care of pet?

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

On weekdays, I work and after work I either come home to be with my family or go to yoga or go to the many meetings I have for the different organizations I’m involved with. On weekends, I spend a lot more time with the kids and I dance tango and hang out with friends. Throughout most of the days, I am on the internet and sometimes the TV is on. On my commutes, I’m reading (usually 2–3 books at a time). We have many pets (2 cats up here, 2 dogs on my mom’s floor and another cat in the basement) but generally speaking, others take care of all of them. I very rarely go shopping and if I do, it’s because I must get something new for work or something for the kids. We take kids to their classes as well: my partner usually takes our oldest to swimming and youngest to Music Together and I take our oldest to ballroom classes twice a week. On Monday nights, my partner and I take hip hop classes. Also, once or twice a week, my partner and I go dumpster diving (our new hobby) and spend the night going through all the food we bring home, it’s an amazing quiet and private time for us. During the night, we talk into the night and sprinkled throughout each day, we are involved in sexy time, so to speak. Other nights, he plays with his band and/or makes music.

Joker94's avatar

I had school today, and it was the start of the second semester, so my schedule changed a bit. Because it was a two-hour delay, we didn’t do much of anything, so I got to relax until after school where my friend and I practiced a skit for a school talent show, and went to practice for my school musical soon after.

cookieman's avatar

6AM: Out of bed
7AM: Out the door
8AM: Drop daughter at school
8:30AM: Arrive at work
1:30PM: Leave work
2PM: Pick up daughter
2:30: Back to work
6PM: Leave work
7PM: Arrive home
(dinner, kid’s homework, little reading or television)
10PM: In bed

you may now stalk me

Berserker's avatar

Work, beer, sleep. Something about horror movies in between some of that.

JLeslie's avatar

I haven’t “worked” in just over a year, although I am social chairperson for the local Porsche Club.

What I usually do is wake up, take my thyroid pill, check my facebook and/or fluther, then cook some breakfast. Eat with some Morning Joe or DVR, and then leave for zumba or water aerobics or to run errands or do some chores around the house, just depends on the day.

Later, I check my emails, do whatever work I need to do as the social chairperson for the Porsche club, make any phone calls for me, or to help my husband. I watch some more DVR, cook my husband’s lunch for the next day and spend 15 or 20 minutes fixing up the house if it was a day that was not doing any house cleaning in the morning.

More fluther and facebook until my husband’s arrives home or sometimes I take a night class of zumba, but not often.

My husband and I usually watch some TV and then go to bed, many times he goes to bed before me.

I have a very easy life right now relatively speaking. I know it, and apreciate it.

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lbwhite89's avatar

I work from about 10 or 11 until 5 or 6 on weekdays. I have classes four days a week from 6 to 9 at night. On those days, I come home, eat some dinner, hopefully get some homework in, then go to bed to start it all over again.

I don’t go to school Friday through Sunday and I don’t work Saturday or Sunday, so I spend those days preparing for the next week…finishing up homework, grocery shopping, and trying to fit in some time to spend with my fiance watching a movie or going to dinner.

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Cruiser's avatar

I do what I gotta do. Outside of my work I am terrible and following set schedules and prefer to live in the moment. As long as I get my coffee, cook a good meal or two, play my guitar and or get outside for fresh air….I am good to go. Most important is I try to make my gal feel special by giving her the attention she deserves! ;)

CaptainHarley's avatar

I get up around 6:00 AM most mornings, have a cup of coffee, check my email and favorite sites, then take my medications ( for cancer and diabetes ). Dpending on the weather, I may ride my Harley into down ( about 20 miles ) to run some errands, or just stay on the PC for most of the morning, with about an hour for exercise. My wife and I usually go out for lunch, check the mail, and run around the back roads of East Texas to see if we can find any interesting things to take photographs of.

Doctor visits can take up many hours of time each week when something needs attention. They do things like bonescans, MRIs, radiation treatments, etc. These are usually not fun.

Most afternoons I spend online at the several sites I visit. Then it’s dinner, perhaps the grocery store, and a movie on TV. We try to get to bed around midnight.

We’re still working on our home, so when the weather is good and we have the necessary coins, we spend time doing that. : )

captainsmooth's avatar

depends on if I have my kids or not as well as the day of the week. Some days they have more going on than others. work is usually part of the weekday, although I dont think Ive worked more than 10 five day work weeks in the last 52 weeks or more. mountainbike, ski, date, eat, drink, smoke weed, see a band, read a book, bars with friends, watch a game, some personal hygene (not everyday). There’s more, but that’s enough.

cookieman's avatar

@JLeslie: What’s a “Porsche club”?

JLeslie's avatar

@cprevite Here is the national site for Porsche Club of America if you own a Porsche you can join. There are clubs for BMW, Mercedes, Corvette, classic cars, etc. There are local/regional Porsche clubs all over the US. Most do more or less the same activities. Some examples are:

Every third Thursday of the month we have dinner at a restaurant, and member can join us, and their guests.

We can participate in DE’s (which stands for Driver’s Education, basically racing around a race track, but not competing, people allow each other to pass if the other guy is going faster.

We can partcipate in Porsche club racing. Which is actually racing. Races are done at the big tracks around the country, Barber in Birmingham, Daytona, Sebring, Road Atlanta, Mid Ohio, etc, etc. DE’s many times are scheduled on the same weekend, giving non-racers time on the track. Sometimes they are not combined together.

We have a Christmas part, summer pool party, and Oktoberfest.

Road rallies to a location, like a caravan, have lunch at some location, sometimes we go to a members lake house, get out on a boat, BBQ.

We have scheduled events at the local baseball stadium, see the game and buffet dinner.

We do a few charity events each year. Ronald McDonald house. We collect donations at our xmas party for St. Jude’s hospital. And, some other bolunteer work depending on the current president, and the boards decision.

This year there is a Porsche Parade from Cali to Georgia. They will be stopping at different cities along the way across the nation. Porsche members can join up, and leave the parade as they please. Each city has something planned, like a meet and great by a dealership, or the local club, or time on a race track, etc.

Basically just a social club, meet people, make friends, and have cars in common.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Work on weekdays. Unfortunately I am a member of the 9 to 5 club on a full time basis so, apart from annual leave or sickness, I am in an office every week day. At weekends, I don’t really have a set routine, just take it as it comes.

cookieman's avatar

@JLeslie: Aaah – sounds like fun. I loved Porsche when I was a kid.

Pretty sure I’ll never be able to afford to join one however. But thanks for the info.

JLeslie's avatar

@cprevite Old porsches are not very expensive. But, of course every so often you have to make a repair. The club is not expensive at all. I think it is $50 a year.

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