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mindful's avatar

Questions about bullying and teasing?

Asked by mindful (345points) January 21st, 2011
9 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

what are common feelings that you feel as a victim?

if you were just a target what did you do to wade through it?

was your expereince severe? mild? or minimal?

did you feel antagonized? how did you deal with it?

how did you become a target in the first place?

How did they bully or harras or tease you?

Did you report it? what happened?

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coffeenut's avatar

I was “targeted” by a bully once….It really pissed me off….He was advised to change his behavior,he didn’t, So it was swiftly dealt with.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I’ve been bullied ever since I was a kid. It usually was just verbal and I didn’t say anything, but when I was 17 I had two physical occurrences. One I won’t mention and the other was having a shoe tossed at my face. I guess the bullying is like a curse for good people. I tried to be nice, but I just got picked on.

marinelife's avatar

I was bullied throughout my junior year of high school. It was all led by one guy, but he had a circle of sycophants.

I have no idea why I became his target. They would wait in the hallways between classes and yell things at me as I walked by. It was horrible.

Teachers witnessed it and did nothing. I didn’t even think about reporting it.

I was very glad to move away at the end of the year.

laureth's avatar

I had the bully trifecta in play as a kid: first, a lesbian mom. Second, smart ‘n nerdy. Third, poor in a rich school district. It was pretty much decreed that I was bully meat.

Yes, reported. The school said I was making too much of it, kids will be kids, and really, I probably needed a father figure.

Moderate to severe. Getting beat up after school with kids waiting to do so, etc., shoes thrown in school toilet, nasty names, singsong taunting, socially ostracized, you name it.

Of course I felt antagonized. I dealt by hating people in general. I’m still an asocial introvert. I like humanity; I hate people. Much easier to deal with them when I can’t see them.

It gets better as you grow up. Elementary and middle school were hell. High school was purgatory. By the time college rolled around, it wasn’t as bad, and as an adult, people generally don’t care. There are always jerks around, of course, but it’s, like, unrelated jerketry. Much easier to deal with too, as an adult, with confidence and education, as opposed to being in adolescent perma-angst. Seeing old schoolmates get fat, old, and divorced on Facebook and at reunions provides a healthy dose of schadenfreude, too.

iamthemob's avatar

I would never say that I was bullied – but I definitely was teased.

I feel like there are very few people who weren’t at some point growing up. So in the end, I don’t think that it’s ever a question of “how you become a target” – the attention is just on you at that point. You did something stupid, or silly, or what a convincing person thinks was wrong – and you’re screwed for that bit.

I think the important part, though, is not figuring out what the targets feel – we all know what that feels like. It’s addressing when, how, and why the person taking the lead in the teasing or bullying is doing it.

talljasperman's avatar

I was bullied and teased from 4 years old and on… it was so severe that I stopped going to school… I even got bullied in university and I got ill and no one believed me.. I ended up isolating myself and I got registered as ill… Now I Fluther… and little else I stay at home as much as possible.

Mikewlf337's avatar

I was bullied once teased the other incidents were teasing. The bully was exceptionally brutal the teasing was more tolerable. My advice is grow thicker skin. People are not going to stop because you want them to. As for the bully who is ruthless. There is only one solution. You fists. He wont listen to your words. You must punish him by hurting him. Beat him down and make him feel defeated. Violence sometimes is the answer.

bunnygrl's avatar

I had a particular friend for a lot of years, all through school, into adulthood, and the entire time we were “friends” she would boss me about, not enough to be bullying as such (or maybe it was, I’m not sure anymore) but whatever happened my opinion didn’t even register, I was told what I thought about things, what I was to do in situations, does that make sense? Thing is, she was the person I considered my best friend at school, so even though, every now and again, I’d think “I don’t like this” I’d always say nothing and let her away with whatever it was. This went on for years, until she did something I thought (and still consider) unforgivable, something that still hurts now, years later, because I’ve had to let my usual guard (that prevents me from thinking about it) down. A few weeks later, she called me and I told her how I felt about what she’d done, she gave me the lamest (seriously) excuse ever, knowing full well that I’d know she was lying and so obviously not caring. It really did feel as if the scales had fallen off my eyes and just like that I saw her in a whole new light. I really, really cared about this person and she’d been using me for years, and even when I called her on it she didn’t care. Don’t know if it was bullying, it feels like it was.

@ducky dnl was right sometimes if you try to be a nice person some people see that as a weakness. I refuse to believe that it is though, just that there are some people in the world who make themselves feel better by making others feel bad. I just wish there was a way to pick these people out from the crowd and avoid them because, in my experience, they can be positively bloody toxic.
hugs honeys xx

geri73's avatar

i had a girl try and bully me the first day of school when i was in 7th grade. she talked about me bad while we were in class. so i waited until i the bell rang and confronted her in the bathroom and kindly let her know that you are not going to fk with me and if you do there will be a painful ass whippin waiting for thee. after that i had no problem from her ever. one thing i have always hated was shyt starters and people bothering me for no reason. after middle school i went into high school with no problem. it was must that i got along with everyone because i was 5 inches and everyone was bigger and taller than me. those i could not get along with, i stayed far away from. violence is not the answer, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes you have to flex a muscle to get people to leave you alone.

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