I am very much in support of renewable energies.
I’m working with a company that will begin installing solar panels, on homes later this year, to be rented to the homeowners. This will eliminate the large upfront costs and the ongoing maintenance issues, for people who can’t afford the initial cost.
When wind energy first began expanding the Wind Turbines were smaller and less productive. The blades were faster and more birds were killed. Research on birds migratory patterns is done now when considering placement. Birds, bats and other wildlife are still at risk though it’s much less of an impact.
UK, where there are several hundred turbines, about one bird is killed per turbine per year; 10 million per year are killed by cars alone. In the United States, turbines kill 70,000 birds per year, compared to 57 million killed by cars and 97.5 million killed by collisions with plate glass.
Wind is not as reliable and best production is often during non peak times. Methods for saving the energy for peak times are being worked on though.
Wind-to-Hydrogen Project
Another interesting Wind Power story, from Hull, Massachusetts