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J0E's avatar

What's the deal with _____?

Asked by J0E (13172points) January 25th, 2011
34 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Channel your inner Jerry Seinfeld and come up with your best observational comedy bits. Such as:

What’s the deal with New England? I mean its over 200 years old, last time i checked, thats not so new.

What’s the deal with ovaltine? The mug is round, the jar is round, they should call it roundtine.


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MissA's avatar

Is someone needing free writers?

J0E's avatar

@MissA Haha, nope, I wish I was a comedian, but I’m just looking to be entertained.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Summum's avatar

What is the deal with succeeding? If at first you don’t suck seed then just suck another seed.

Summum's avatar

One more. Grin

What is the deal with my exorcist? I didn’t pay my bill and I got repossessed.

kenmc's avatar

Oh my God, you quoted the Banya Ovaltine bit…

What’s the deal with airline peanuts? Who are they trying to keep outta these things?!

J0E's avatar

“What’s the deal with politics? I don’t get it. Am I right?” – Kramer doing his best Jerry impersonation.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (0points)
erichw1504's avatar

What’s the deal with nacho cheese? You have some, but it’s nach’yo cheese!

robmandu's avatar

What’s the deal with Jay Zero Eee? I mean, it’s not like your name’s really spelled with a 0 on your birth certificate.

You really think that kind of subterfuge is gonna hide you from the CIA? On this site?

Brian1946's avatar

What’s the deal with old people driving so slow? Since they don’t have much time left, you think they’d want to drive faster.

As a matter of fact, I propose that they let seniors drive their age: if you’re 80, you get to drive 80 MPH. If you’re a 100, you get to drive a 100….

Hell, I’m “only” 64, but I drive like I’m 80, so punch it or park it, seniors!

Cruiser's avatar

What’s the deal with the best man?? If I was the best man, why is she marrying him???

Summum's avatar

What is the deal with my legless turtle? I keep finding him where I last put him.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

What’s the deal with candleja

erichw1504's avatar

What’s the deal with coffee? It sure as hell keeps me awake, but I am experiencing zero coughing.

AmWiser's avatar

What is the deal with living on the edge? At least wait to I fall off before bitchin’.

ucme's avatar

What’s the deal with superbowl. There’s nothing super about it & that trophy ain’t no bowl.

erichw1504's avatar

What’s the deal with the World Series? The whole world isn’t involved!

Blueroses's avatar

What’s the deal with pot smokers? They think they’re all deep and philosophical but most of the time they’re just talking about other times they got high.

ucme's avatar

What’s the deal with god. I mean with so many friends you’d think he’d have dinner once in a while…

ucme's avatar

Whats the deal with my lurve table thingy?? It states that I received 2 GA’s for my superbowl quip & yet there’s only one!?! Not that I care or anything, just a little odd.

Kardamom's avatar

What’s the deal with people constantly “checking in” at such and such a place on Facebook? Do you think that when one of them dies they will post that they are “checking out”?

erichw1504's avatar

What’s the deal with Twitter? If I wanted to know if you were going #1 or #2 I would have asked.

Ltryptophan's avatar

What is the deal with memory? Hard to forget what you want to forget, easy to forget what you want to remember!

Summum's avatar

What is the deal with your muscles? They are like diamonds hard to find.

Summum's avatar

What is the deal with Superman? I can tell he is a man of steel by the rust in his underware.

erichw1504's avatar

What’s the deal with Uranus? It definitely has a lot of gas.

Summum's avatar

What is the deal with Uranus and Star Trek? They both have Klingons/cling ons.

Blueroses's avatar

Charmin and the Enterprise both circle Uranus and wipe out klingons

Summum's avatar

@Blueroses Yes that is what I was after.

What is the deal with Age? I find I can now hide my own Easter Eggs.

john65pennington's avatar

Whats the deal with The Internal Revenue Service? I filled out the proper forms and sent them in on time. I expected a $522 refund. Now, they tell me not to expect the $522 refund check, at all. That I had made so many mathmatical errors, that my refund check would only be $5,222 dollars.

So, whats the downside to this argument?

Blueroses's avatar

@john65pennington Can I get the name of that returns auditor from you?

YARNLADY's avatar

Cousins who come out of the woodwork when you sign up for an Ancestors website? Suddenly everyone was related to you in some convoluted way.

chocolatechip's avatar

What’s the deal with New Zealand?

What happened to Old Zealand?

Ltryptophan's avatar

Old Zealand=Copenhagan

kenmc's avatar

@Ltryptophan You best be trollin’.

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