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cocojustice's avatar

Im a 27 year old female, am I still considered young?

Asked by cocojustice (130points) January 31st, 2011
49 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

When I was in my early 20’s I felt as if late 20’s was old. Now I just turned 27, Was it just me thinking crazy,or am I old for a female.

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TexasDude's avatar

Is that you in your avatar?

You look pretty damn young to me.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Man, I hope not, considering that I’m 28.

No way. Spend a few days with people in their 90’s, we don’t even get to pretend to feel old, yet. You’ve got a long, long way to go.
Plus, it’s all about attitude. Seriously. You’re only as old as you feel. It really is true.

Likeradar's avatar

Old for a female? What? In relationship to the average lifespan, you’re fairly young. If you’re looking to date a 16 year old, join a sorority, go to prom, start a runway modeling or professional gymnastics career, you’re old.

JustJessica's avatar

I felt the same way when I hit my “official” late 20’s. I’m 32 now and damn it my 30’s fuckin rock!!! In my opinion no your not even close to old, I’m not even close to old. Don’t let 27 be you, just be 27!

cocojustice's avatar

Thank you guys, yes that is me.

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I just noticed “wrinkles” in your topic list. I had my first wrinkle at 16. Yep. 16 years old. Stress is a bitch.

Pretty sure that wrinkles don’t make you old, either. ;)

cocojustice's avatar

I just feel that Im to old to go dancing and it seems ithat only people in their early 20’s are there anyway….. Thanks for all the answers.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, my gosh, yes, darlin’.

Depending on whom you ask, you’ll still be considered young for probably another 20 years.

Besides, somewhere inside, you’ll always have your 21-year-old . . . your 15-year-old . . . your 6-year-old . . .

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YARNLADY's avatar

yes to your original question, you are still considered young.

cocojustice's avatar

Im feeling better about 27 now . Thank you

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@cocojustice that sounds like the location, not the activity.

cocojustice's avatar

I have a 18 year old brother and I miss being his age.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yep. You sure as hell are still young. Even I could be young again I would like to be maybe, somewhere in my mid to late thirties, I think. 27 is too young. And you’re never too old to go dancing.

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cocojustice's avatar

Thanks for the self esteem boost . You guys have helped.

WasCy's avatar

You’ll always be young to me.

tranquilsea's avatar

You’re still young.

But young really is a frame of mind.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Good God YES! [ 67 year old male ]

poisonedantidote's avatar

No, you are not young, you are old. Anyone who is over 25 is old, I decided that when I was 7 years old, and am not about to change my position just because im now the same age. :P

Berserker's avatar

If that’s you in your avatar, I wouldn’t worry about that.

And anyways, you’ll be too old when you’re dead. Until the Reaper comes a-claimin’, live it up yo.

filmfann's avatar

No, 27 is not young. It’s prime!
Not young, not old. It is perfection!

TexasDude's avatar

@cocojustice well I’m 21, which is almost universally seen as “young,” and you look quite attractive to me. Therefore, you are quantifably young.

woodcutter's avatar

I want to be 27 again, man was I ripped :/

ETpro's avatar

Well darlin, I’ve got 40 years on you, so you are forever young in my book.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I’m 28 and generally considered young, so I would think you must still be young at 27. In a world where “middle aged” now lasts at least through one’s 50s, being “young” doesn’t seem to stop until one’s early 30s. So it looks like we have a few more years of being not just younger, but actually young.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf My best friend started going gray at 14. It started with a streak in his hair and is slowly taking over.

Ellis1919's avatar

Age is all relative. If you ask a five year old if you’re old, they will tell you yes. If you ask a ninety year old the same question, they will tell you that you’re still a baby. You’re only as old or young as you feel (for the most part). Twenty-seven is young.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@SavoirFaire one of my friends from high school is almost completely gray at 28, and he totally rocks it. My grandmother was completely gray by 25, and I have the common patch above my right temple. I still like to think I’m pretty young, though. :)

casheroo's avatar

I’m 24, and was working at my husbands work…the girls around me are all 17–22, they made me feel old. And they thought I was my husbands age which made me feel crappy! I’m not 28 yet! I think the whole having two kids is what makes me feel old.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf My friend has just gone for the professorial look most of his life, and he pulls it off quite well. And you look pretty young in your avatar to me!

Jeruba's avatar

Then there’s my grandmother, whose hair grew in white when she was about 22. She looked old then, but for the next 60 years she scarcely changed at all while others aged around her. Pretty good trick if you can pull it off.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Hey, I turned 27 today too! Happy Birthday to us! I feel great being this age, it’s just years, you know?

gondwanalon's avatar

You won’t get any sympathy from me. I’m 60.

FutureMemory's avatar

Late 20s is still very young :)

At 37 I still don’t have any gray hair on my head, but my goatee has had a dozen or so gray hairs for a few years now. I pluck them, but at some point there will be too many to pluck. I could care less about going gray though…what I don’t like is watching my hair line recede =/

genkan's avatar

Well. To anyone younger than you, you’re old. To anyone older, you’re young. It’s all relative.

jerv's avatar

I’d say @genkan hit it right on the head. I mean, you’re a little too young for me to consider dating (or would be if I were in the dating pool) and I’m not old yet, but if you had asked me during my Navy days, you would’ve been a bit old for me then.

Brian1946's avatar

By the chronological standard of your expected lifespan, you’ll be young for about another 13 years.

TooBlue's avatar

This is gonna sound really bad, but I just turned 19 and actually feel I’m already past my prime and feel like I have wasted the best years of my life being socially isolated and depressed. I’ve achieved nothing and soon I’ll be in my 20’s. It’s a scary thought that I’ll never get those years back.

Hell I remember being 15 and thinking time was going fast. I used to look at my sister’s friends (who are 4 yrs older) and think they were so grown up and adult-like. Now I’m in that position and it’s sort of unsettling in a weird way…It’s so true that being young or old is completely relative to everyone else.

jca's avatar

When I was 18 I hung out with these girls who were 22 and I thought they were really, really old. Now I’m 44 so it’s all relative. When you ask “Am I still considered young?” it depends on who you ask. If you ask a 60 year old, yes you are considered young. If you ask a high-schooler, you are ancient. When I was 30 I went out with a 50 year old man. To that man, I was young. I was a young, ripe prize.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
bunnygrl's avatar

@cocojustice First off, you are positively stunning, (I’m very jealous) and no way do you look anywhere near 27. At my workplace we have a challenge 25 policy, which means basically that if you don’t look 25, we need to ask for ID before you can purchase age restricted goods like alcohol, cigarettes, etc, and I’d definitely ask you for ID. So, no, you are not old, you’re not even in the same country, never mind city as old. As our fellow jellies have said above, age really is all in the mind. I remember when I was in secondary school (I would have been maybe 12 or 13) my English teacher, who was just amazing, everyone loved her classes,but I used to think she was unthinkably old at the fair old age of 34, now that I’m 47 myself with rickety bones and greying hair, 34 seems to me like a spring chicken lol. It’s all relative, so just enjoy being young, and I meant what I said, you really are very beautiful, and beautiful women never age…. kinda unfair on the rest of us that :-)
hugs xx
ps: welcome to fluther, this is such a great place to hang out, you’ll meet some really lovely people here. Whenever I’m feeling down this is where I come and my fellow jellies never fail to make me smile.

Seelix's avatar

Yup, it’s all relative.

However, considering that the average female life expectancy in the US is nearly 81, you’re not even close to “old”.

For what it’s worth, turning 28 was much harder for me than 27.

sleepdoc's avatar

I would say this is going to be about perspective. If you ask a group of 16 year olds they might say 27 is old. If you ask a bunch of retirees you a young. Really you are as young as you feel.

choreplay's avatar

@cocojustice, Im 45 and I know I’m still young so hell ya your still young. Given that my vantage point doesn’t give a lot of credibility to my statement. I feel like I did in my 20s, I don’t lack anything I had than. You have a tramendous amount of life ahead of you. Your young!

Adagio's avatar

God, I bloody well hope so!

peridot's avatar

I’m about to turn 41. So yes, chronologically speaking, you’re a puppy. But one worthy of intelligent consideration, unlike your average 16-y/o. ;)

Ron_C's avatar

You are hardly old. If someone my age dated you, I’d consider him a cradle robber. It is a good age, you are still pretty young but mature enough to be interesting.

Berserker's avatar

Lmao cradle robber. XD

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