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Rv654321's avatar

What should I do about this girl?

Asked by Rv654321 (228points) February 1st, 2011
18 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Alright so I have been talking to this girl for about 2 months now. Shes actually one of my good friends sisters. I have known her for about a year now but just started talking to her as more than friends recently. We get labeled as boyfriend and girlfriend by all our friends but we really dont have a label. We have talked about our relationship at first and decided that we didnt want to rush into anything for the reason that her brother and her as well are good friends with me and we didnt want to ruin that by rushing into things. Everything has been good, we do everything a couple dating would do. The problem is she broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago and shes still not over him. She always brings up that she’s still really heart broken and has been honest with me about it and said that is why she hasnt comitted to a serious relationship with me. The wierd thing is that she is all lovey dovey when shes with me but she always brings it up when were on the phone or texting. I really do like this girl, but am I just setting myself up for dissapointment in the long run? Should I leave our relationship at where it’s at and just continue as a friendship before I fall for her even more? Am I wasting my time? help

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tedd's avatar

Pending her age/maturity level you could be setting yourself up for heart break.

But in the end none of our advice matters…. just follow what your heart tells you.

Rv654321's avatar

@tedd She’s 18 & im 21

Rv654321's avatar

@tedd & she’s actually really mature for her age. Which is one thing I really like about her.

Carly's avatar

usually you don’t really know what you want at that age (18), no matter how mature you are. I would just say wait it out for a while. It can take a bit of time to get over a guy sometimes, and if she’s still working it out in her mind then I would let her have all the time she needs.

especially if you’re already more than a friend. It’s not like she doesn’t want anything to do with you until she’s complete over this over guy.

WasCy's avatar

One thing to keep in mind about these things, and you’ll learn it yourself as you grow older and experience it more: Heartbreak ain’t fatal.

So whether you are or are not setting on a path that will lead to heartbreak, go for it anyway if you feel ‘that way’ about her. You’re right (for both your sakes) to take it slow while she’s unsure and still grieving, so I wouldn’t over-commit at this point. But walk the path anyway.

As far as your friendship with her and with her brother, if you each treat each other respectfully and honestly, then later there’s no reason any friendship has to be affected if the romance dies.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

She told you this?
She always brings up that she’s still really heart broken and has been honest with me about it and said that is why she hasnt comitted to a serious relationship with me.

I would believe it and move on.

partyparty's avatar

I think I would just stay on friendly terms with her, until or unless she appears to be getting over her ex, or until she goes back with him.
If you are happy with this situation then all you can do is wait and see, otherwise move on. I know that may not be easy, but better now than have your heart broken at a later date. :-(

lemming's avatar

You never know, once she sees you moving on she might change her mind…after all she is only 18, this other guy was only puppy love. Good luck with it.

wundayatta's avatar

I would try to hold my feelings in check as much as I could, which wouldn’t be very much, in my case. It sounds like it would work better if you let her work things out before you let yourself fall for her. If you keep her at arms length, it will be safer.

I would also have this conversation with her. She can understand that you need to protect yourself. If you don’t tell her what you are doing, she will notice the distance, but not know why, and that will make her insecure about you. If you both agree that it is better to back off until she gets her breakup sorted out, then you’re on the same page; no one’s hiding anything from anyone else; and you have the best chance maintaining your friendships.

Cruiser's avatar

Time to let go she has made it pretty clear how she feels and she was honest with you about her feelings with you and you cannot fault her for that!

Kardamom's avatar

I think you should give it some more time and bide your time for awhile. Because she is telling you that she’s not over her boyfriend yet, you have to believe her. That doesn’t mean that she isn’t interested in you or that a relationship with you a little further down the line won’t work. It sounds like she does have feelings for you, but it’s really hard to move into a relationship with a new person when you’re not over the feelings for the last person yet (2 months is not a very long time). I would say take it slow, then after another 2 months has passed, ask her gently if she thinks that you and she could move into being more than just friends. If she still seems hesitant, then tell her, gently that you think that you guys should cool it and maybe that you would like to start seeing other people and see how she reacts. She’ll either say that you’re seeing other people is a good idea or she’ll say that she would like to start dating you in the real sense of the word. But even if she still isn’t ready to date you, there’s been no harm and no foul. Don’t make it into something bigger or more painful than it needs to be. Avoid getting into any big ugly arguments or weepy conversations, keep it really casual and pleasant. Otherwise you’ll mess up your friendship with her brother. The more casual you keep it, the more likely it is that it will work out for all 3 of you in the end. Good luck : )

MilkyWay's avatar

being a girl i know what she’s feeling right now.
she’s a bit hesitant to enter a new relationship most probably because she’s afraid she’s not stable enough emotionally right now and that this will have a negative effect on any new relationship.
my advice to you will be that you need to be careful; i don’t think you’re wasting your time with her.
try to make her feel comfortable and safe but keep a balance . . . don’t smother her.try to make her feel that you will take care of her.

BarnacleBill's avatar

You don’t want to be the rebound relationship. Stay friends, and give the relationship some space. She’ll come out of the funk about the old relationship eventually, and things could be different. You don’t want to put yourself in a spot where your relationship with the girl makes your relationship with your friends awkward.

nir17's avatar

Oh no… This has happened to me… but was the girl at eighteen.. and I was the one dating a brother’s friend… and who was not ready for a serious commitment… Serious deja vu. Girl her space. She’s being lovey dovey with you because that’s the easiest thing for her. Most people don’t want to be alone… but you dont’ want to just be the person who she is cuddling up next to in lieu of being alone. If you really like her, stick around, but don’t let her use you. Go on with your life and keep your options open. If she’s really interested, she will let you know. If you just let her drag you along, willing to give in to her changing moods, you’ll just set yourself up for disaster. We girls are terrible, indecisive, complicated creatures. Stay friends with her.. maybe cut off the physical contact, and tell her that she needs to take time to seriously think about what she wants and that you will not go forward with anything until she is absolutely certain. Maybe give her a time line… say two weeks.. with no sort of ‘boyfriend-girlfriend’ activity just to force her to be alone and figure it out. If she’s still interested in you after that time—then it was a good move. If not—then she was not really that interested to begin with. Good luck.

robinad's avatar

It doesn’t sound like she’s ready for commitment. I’d give her some space/time.

firesale's avatar

Wisest thing to do is to give her space. She told you to give her space (or at least that she wasn’t ready for commitment) so listen to her. Forcing something to happen never ever works well in the long run.

Rv654321's avatar

Thanks for all the advice. I think I am just gonna give it some time and see what happens. If it doesnt seem likes its gonna go any where then Ill just move on

MilkyWay's avatar


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