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missbabyboo's avatar

Does your hair grow long fast if a guy cuts your hair?

Asked by missbabyboo (195points) April 15th, 2008
67 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

my friend said it does..but i dont really believe it…

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CameraObscura's avatar

Yes, the gender of the stylist determines the rate at which hair grows.

missbabyboo's avatar

r u serious? like why?

Babo's avatar

Like, I think so.

missbabyboo's avatar

really? well my friend over here says it wouldnt matter cuz like how would the hair know the sex thats cutting your hair..

giggles's avatar

i really dont know but im the friends that doesnt believe it!! because i dont think your hair would know if a guy, girl, old, or young!!!

but i do believe that if you cut your hair every 6 weeks then your hair will grow faster!!!

peedub's avatar

lol, what?

Babo's avatar

I was, like, joking.

CameraObscura's avatar

Men are generally taller than women. When a male cuts hair, the angle of approach is more aggresive than that of a female which is conducive to hair growing more quickly. In other words, he cuts like ”/” while a female would cut more like ”—-”. I think everyone knows most hairstylists attempt the angle but men are generally more successful.

peedub's avatar

What does height matter is someone is sitting in chair that can be raised or lowered?

I don’t know that men hairstylists are any more aggressive than women hairstylists.

wildflower's avatar

of course you have to keep in mind that only if the stylist is straight will your hair grow out straight – if gay, it’ll be curly….?

Babo's avatar

Hmmm. I believe I shall amend my previous answer then. That makes total sense to me now!

CameraObscura's avatar

@wildlower- no, that makes no sense. What are you thinking?!?!

Babo's avatar

Babo confused now.

wildflower's avatar

@ CameraObscura – not entirely sure, I may have just had a blonde moment – this peroxide makes me see funny things too…...

peedub's avatar

It’s nice theory but I would like to see experimental data. Two of my ex girlfriends are hair stylists. They and the other females were highly aggressive and more so than the effeminate males they worked with.

missbabyboo's avatar

wow thanks..but i still dont get it

shockvalue's avatar

@CameraObscura: Of course it makes sense! Well, as much as your hair differentiating between male and female stylists.

missbabyboo's avatar

but what if the female is taller than the male??
is it the height or the gender?

shockvalue's avatar

Well they both come into play. A shorter gay man for example, will cut with the same angle as a taller straight woman. But if he were straight, well then a whole new integer is added to the equation and the variables must be re-evaluated

wildflower's avatar

and what if they’re foreign? does the language or accent affect it too?

peedub's avatar

Actually, the color and length of their hair has a huge effect on whom they are cutting.

shockvalue's avatar

Excellent point wildflower, if he were foreign, French say, the hair would seem to surrender to every slice of the scissor blade.

missbabyboo's avatar

really? so what exactly is the true answer of what makes hair grow faster?

wildflower's avatar

Of course!!! and say it he was Swiss or Swedish, it would just stay neutral and not grow at all – Dutch or Danish and it would just grow flat…..Irish, well…...I’m guessing red, curly and full of whiskey fumes….

shockvalue's avatar

@missbabyboo: when it comes down to it, the height of the chair is most likely the determining factor. well, that and the colour of the smock

peedub's avatar

I’ve heard it has mostly to do with how round his head is.

wildflower's avatar

umm…...which head? and how are you supposed to find out if neither is…, I mean, he might hide it under an afro….

missbabyboo's avatar

so ok im kind of confused still

shockvalue's avatar

@wildflower: lest we forget the potato scraps. I hear their starches help keep the hair firm yet malleable. An excellent attribute to any haircut.

scamp's avatar

Your hair grows at the same rate no matter Who cuts it or how. It just seems to grow faster if you take good care of it because there is less breakage on the ends.

CameraObscura's avatar

There was actually an article about this in the New York Times. Here’s a link

wildflower's avatar

You’ve shattered my illusions! How could you!?!

peedub's avatar

Like I said, it’s an interesting theory. I’ve read a lot sensational things in The Times.

missbabyboo's avatar

oh wow..really?
like right now i really want to know the answer to it

shockvalue's avatar

wildflower, agreed. shame on you scamp! what is this? a place to learn and grow? bah!

peedub's avatar

If you want your hair to grow faster, err on the side of caution and get it cut by a male. If not, do the adverse.

wildflower's avatar

And use conditioner, don’t blow-dry without applying a heat/styling-protective product first, take vit. E supplements and don’t brush it too vigorously.

(this answer is no fun though…)

peedub's avatar

Take maternity vitamins as well.

CameraObscura's avatar

If you think about it, you could also have a midget or small child cut your hair and get the same result as they would be under the hair and most importantly, cutting at an aggressive angle.

Babo's avatar

Babo cut hair!

wildflower's avatar

Babo not cut my hair!

shockvalue's avatar

I found the link you were talking about, but I think the screen shot you found was photoshopped. I may have retrieved the original. nytimes.

shockvalue's avatar

The midgets cut at an extra aggressive angle to make up for their short stature.

wildflower's avatar

Wow Shockvalue – it’s like they were reading this thread…...

Babo's avatar

Babo sad now.

peedub's avatar


scamp's avatar

@wildflower and shockvalue I hang my head in shame. I need to be spanked. Now, the question is, will I feel more pain if spanked by a guy or a girl? And will it matter how tall they are? How about their wieight?

shockvalue's avatar

babo can cut my hair!
as long as babo ain’t to gay French midget. that style just never seems to work on my face shape.

shockvalue's avatar

Hmm, the weight is a big factor, because if their knees are too knobby then no one has fun. Now the height is interesting, because it provides arm length. However, depending on their swing (which itself is dependant on their nationality) a longer arm could be a bad thing. But over all I don’t think gender comes in to play. That is unless it’s a girl.

wildflower's avatar

hmm…..dunno, we’ll have to try out this experiment – it’s for scientific research, of course…

peedub's avatar

Haha, @shock- don’t have this fellow cut it.

shockvalue's avatar

Oh that Dandy Dan! He won’t be so dandy when I’m through with him. See how his fingers make that scissor motion? He’s ready to cut and run… err, two-step.

Babo's avatar

Babo happy again!

syz's avatar

Um, wow. I’m incredibly underwhelmed.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (1points)
wildflower's avatar

yeah, why? This is the most informative thread on here :)

shockvalue's avatar

Look syz, don’t get all sour grapes on us just because your barber has no defining features. Someday, somewhere, a gay french midget will walk into your life. Then you’ll understand.

missbabyboo's avatar

ahaha wow amazing answers to my question..and funny =]

peedub's avatar

Watch out for this chap, unless you want really long hair.

wildflower's avatar

Hey I’ve seen him at Toni&Guy! He’s so my new stylist!

8lightminutesaway's avatar

Wow, this is probably the funniest thread I’ve ever read. How did I miss it when it came out??? Why was I not informed!???
You know, some scientists did a study and they concluded that 76% of the survivors who got their hair cut by Damien the Monkey reported the hair on their legs grow faster. 97% of those who did not survive didn’t report anything, while the remaining 3% of the non-survivors reported decreased hair growth. And Damien the Monkey reported faster hair growth be we think he is lying.

peedub's avatar

I heard about that study.

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wildflower's avatar

and if you’re dumb enough, then you won’t care about sexual orientation or encouraging suicide….You’ll be too busy worrying about using the correct words in your posts…

Babo's avatar

Don’t know what THAT was about but, go wildflower!!!

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