I think everyone thinks about it. Well, maybe not everyone, who knows, but I think a lot of people do. You can crawl into bed for a while and think about it and imagine it and fantasize about it but running away, curling up in a ball and hiding, those just aren’t options, they are not really something that you can choose to do. And sometime life is just about getting stuff, understanding stuff like that.
As hard as life can be, and it can be godawful hard and painful sometimes, you can only choose from the options available. It’s very often just that bottom line. You pick yourself up, dust yourself off and give it your best shot and if you fail, you crawl into bed for a bit but knowing that you will most certainly have to crawl out of bet pretty soon and give it another shot. I wish I had a better answer for you, some easier way.
So, and I don’t mean to trivialize your circumstances by giving you song reference, but I say, get up every morning, drag yourself out of bed or simply roll out of bed onto the floor if that’s the best you can do and play Tom Petty’s, I Won’t Back Down as loud as you can possibly stand it. And then play it again if it doesn’t work the first time. That has gotten me through more than a few rough days.