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AmWiser's avatar

Fluther Roll Call - March 1, 2011...Are you ready for Spring?

Asked by AmWiser (14947points) March 1st, 2011
48 responses
“Great Question” (8points)

“The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.

When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here.”
– Author Unknown

I like to think of this as a Fluther “Hello Day”, where all most a lot of the Jellies roaming the Fluther site check in and say hello. Sooo…..
What’s goin on?
Who’s here?
Who’s new?
Who’s missing?
Who’s lurking?

BTW is your March coming in like a lion or a lamb? So far mine is like a lamb.:)

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JilltheTooth's avatar

Lambily, thank whoever is in charge of the weather! I’m here, been here all winter, sometimes Fluther has been my only source of outside world (I was snowed in with laryngitis at one point…no phone, no human contact…Jellies saved what little sanity I had left!)

Coloma's avatar

Lambish over here, literally and figuratively.
Sunny and in the low 50’s after very cold mornings with freezing temps.
More rain coming tomorrow for the next few days again.

The sheep next door are oblivious, walking around underneath their wool coats. ;-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I am really ready for Spring! I don’t do well in cold weather, so temps in the 60’s and 70’s is very appealing!

picante's avatar

Mostly lamb-like here. Looking forward to beautiful wildflowers and glorious sunshine in the weeks ahead.

Seelix's avatar

Here I am! And SO ready for spring! Seems pretty lamby out there.

janbb's avatar

In Florida for the week where the weather has been just lovely. My soul is being balmed after this rough winter.

erichw1504's avatar

I was lost, but then I found this question. So, now I’m here and ready for Spring!

JmacOroni's avatar

Lion. In a not so nice way.
I’m here.. sort of. In an unusual form, but I’m still here.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Ours is coming in like a lamb so far. We’re just hoping to stave off hot temps for another month or so. It gets hot way too quickly in Phoenix.

Strauss's avatar

Like a lamb, here in the Denver area. Tuesday being my day off, I might even get some garden time in today. We might see another snow storm or two (March is statistically our snowiest month!), but it probably won’t last for long, and provide some treasured moisture for the new seedlings.

wilma's avatar

A big bad roaring lion.
No not really that bad, but a cold and snowy lion.

I am more than ready for spring and a temperature that is above freezing.

JmacOroni's avatar

@wilma be careful what you wish for. Now we have some bizarre combination of snow, ice and extreme flooding.

shego's avatar

Shego checking in.
I’m so ready for spring, but knowing the weather out here in Colorado, there will be a massive storm at the end of the month or even early April.

Jude's avatar


I was ready Jan. 1st. :)

partyparty's avatar

I am so very much looking foward to spring. Sunny but cold (48) here today.
There are signs of spring now – the birds are singing and the daffodils are blooming. Soon be lambing time.
Not long now to the warmer weather – I just hate the cold!

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janedelila's avatar

Janedelila, present. Lamb-like, sunny, gonna be 40. I am sooooo ready for Spring.

erichw1504's avatar

Lamb days seem to be coming here.

the100thmonkey's avatar

It’s bloody cold and raining hard here in western Japan.

deni's avatar

Lamb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurray!!!!!! It’s supposed to be 60 and sunny all week. I really really hope it doesn’t get cold again. I’m ready to hurl all my close-toed shoes as far as I can.

marinelife's avatar

Well, so far so good. Yesterday was kind of rough, but today it is sunny and feels like spring in the air. Yesterday I saw some bunches of yellow crocus open.

muppetish's avatar

I’m here, now and then. We definitely have lamb weather in Southern California.

erichw1504's avatar

Our weather here is more like a bat. Very often it goes bat-shit crazy!

auntydeb's avatar

Like a daffodil. The hard winter set all the daffs back this year, a major source of income in Cornwall. But, there are narcissi in my garden, the hyacinths are blooming lovely and though I cannot see any lambs hereabout, I am thankful that this year my patience has improved and I am waiting out the cold weather before sowing my first seeds.

last year I got sowing in February, as it was mild. That was a big, frost-rot and oh-they’ve all died sort of mistake to make

Lovely Question @AmWiser

gondwanalon's avatar

What is Spring time? I live in Tacoma Washington. We don’t have a Spring time here. Our Winter ends suddenly on the last week of June and then….: it is Summer time. Summer lasts trough September. We has a short Fall in October and then Winter starts up again on November 1st.

sakura's avatar

Starting to drive to and from work in daylight :) Always a sign of spring for me :)

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

No, spring is when my allergies take over my head.

tinyfaery's avatar

Fine. I’m back. And it’s my birff day! I live in So. Cal. Spring does not exist here.

JilltheTooth's avatar

HAPPY BIRFDAY! Go eat cake…

Jeruba's avatar

here. lamb. still feeling after all these yrs away from ne thst its not rly ok to have spring come when theres been no real winter. those puritans die hard

Joker94's avatar

Like a Lion, figuratively, but the weather’s been rather lamb-like today. Oh, and I am beyond ready for spring! I’ll be performing in meh school’s production of Footloose in just a week ^.^

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’m here and so happy that it’s March! We will be leaving Kansas in less than 2 weeks and arriving in Maryland and getting into our new place in about 2 and a half weeks! Once in our new place, I get to start setting up the baby’s room. I can’t wait. We will be back on the east coast and closer to our families. I’m looking forward to seeing family and friends more often and enjoying some good east coast seafood!

Axemusica's avatar

I’m so done with winter. It’s been a really shitty winter up here in the AK. Very little snow, warm enough to melt some snow one day freezing enough to not want to go outside the next. Also, this winter I caught the H1N1 and had never been more sick for such an extended period of time in my life. I do believe it’s because of the crazy fluctuation in temperature.

I welcome spring with open arms.

bunnygrl's avatar

We’ve seen the sun a little here these past few days, still chilly though. Winter seems to have gone on forever this year. I’m mostly hoping that this year will pass quietly because I’m feeling particularly weakened from the bad stuff from last year. Health stuff is kicking my butt right now too, so yes, I so welcome spring’s arrival, and hope we get a decent summer this year.
huggles honeys xx

perspicacious's avatar

I like winter and cool weather, so I am not looking forward to those hot days that are sure to come.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m here and waiting for summer.

SpatzieLover's avatar

It’s a rollercoaster this week. Every other day will be as follows:

Lamb in the AM, Lion PM

Lion AM, Lamb PM

Lamb AM, LionPM

Then there’s a possibility of a Lamb weekend…but here is Wis everyone knows the weatherman is just pulling our chain and he’ll announce a mini snowstorm or freezing rain just hours before it happens (or as it happens ;)

etignotasanimum's avatar

It’s like a crossbreed of a lion and a lamb, here. It’s raining and really windy for an hour or two, but then the clouds will break and there will be sunshine for another hour or so.
It makes it hard to figure out what sort of weather-appropriate clothes to wear, so I’ve stopped caring and just wear tons of layers. :P

cak's avatar

Lamb with a touch of Lion. I love spring, I’m just so allergic to everything about spring. Oh well, sneeze be damned I can’t wait to get out there and tear some of the yard apart!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (3points)
cruiser2's avatar

Look out Lambs and Lions, only one day into it, my March has been behaving like a Tasmanian Devil! :O

iamthemob's avatar

I’m here. I gots some sweeping up to do. ;-)

Also, I lurves you all.

talljasperman's avatar

present -33 C here

Haleth's avatar

Lamby, but it’s nothing but light drizzly rain and melting snow! I’ve been watching Downton Abbey and Mercant Ivory films lately so now I feel like I’m in the British countryside. I love early spring, though, it’s so full of potential.

faye's avatar

We have feet of snow and it’s 30C spring seems very far away.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am here and ready for Autumn. Different part of the world here. Not that the seasons here as distinct as in other places. They tend to blend and the main difference is the temperature.

auntydeb's avatar

Rawrrrrbaaaa ;o)

MissAnthrope's avatar

Here, but mostly lurking. New job is emotionally/mentally draining, plus I’m also doing work for my mom building websites and whatnot, on my days off. I’ve also been feeling kind of low, perhaps a smidge of depression, and I have been feeling bad about myself and also not really wanting to socialize or talk to people.

So, long story long, I’m sorta-kinda here.

flutherother's avatar

Lambish here. The days are lengthening and it feels like Spring. Nice and calm and dry but a bit overcast. I sense a long hot summer coming which would be unusual for this part of the world but I feel it in the air. Snowdrops and crocuses are out.

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