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iTony's avatar

What MySQL engine would you recommend?

I am working in a school website that it would showcase students work like videos, pictures, articles, news. Normal users would be able to comment, fave, and rate this content.

We are on the database design stage and we are using MySQL for our database management system, but I am not sure which engine to use on this work since I’ve never work on a website this big. The database would be accessed any time the authors (not everybody can upload content) would upload their media content(article, video, music, picture, or game) to the database. Also when the normal user (registered user) would comment, rate, or fave a media content.

Mainly I am wondering about the pluggable engines. I am not sure if I should worry about database transactions and use the InnoDB Engine or not worry about them MyISAM.

Or if you think I should use other engine

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