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MossimoJ's avatar

Is it "honestly" possible for a relationship to last without having sex? Even if it is physically impossible to do so...

Asked by MossimoJ (13points) March 14th, 2011
20 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

A couple has been together for at least 5 years. One partner has a physical impairment. Can they survive without the act of physical intercourse?

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theninth's avatar

Define “sex” and the physical impossibility to have it. There are so many things that are as intimate (and for some people more intimate) than the standard “PIV” definition of sex that this question can’t really be answered without more information.

marinelife's avatar

Of course it is possible. We have many relationships in our lives that don’t involve sex.

MossimoJ's avatar

The obvious act of intercourse is the methodology that is implied here. Of course there are alternatives to anything. The actual common act of sex is what this question is gear to.

theninth's avatar

Well then, yes, absolutely. If you’re talking about the elimination of just PIV sex, there’s absolutely no reason the relationship wouldn’t last if both partners are willing to work around it.

If the relationship is completely dependent on the ability to put the peg in the hole, then it’s probably at risk anyhow, since a relationship needs a lot more than just that.

JLeslie's avatar

Of course.

john65pennington's avatar

Yes, as long as both understand the situation and the rules that go with it.

blueiiznh's avatar

ummm….of course. Why would they not be able to?

There is a bit more that goes into a relationship than physical.

MacBean's avatar

Yes, even when there isn’t a physical impairment.

robdamel's avatar

Its possible, but it will definitely be hard on the partner. Sex is almost a necessity for a healthy relationship.I would say so at least.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It really depends on what the partners view sex as and whether they find it important. I wouldn’t be okay in a sexless partnership.

downtide's avatar

Yes, it’s possible, so long as both partners are comfortable with the situation. If one becomes resentful and unhappy then it won’t work.

sakura's avatar

I don’t think my partner would agree! Although he is not some sex fiend he enjoys the physical and emotional aspect of sex (as so I) and I know he would find it really difficult to cope without any intamacy at this level.
That being said if both partners are agreeable and have the same understanding of the relationship then it could work. It wouldn’t for me though!

12Oaks's avatar

Of course. Not everyone lives for that. I’d easily give up sex for many other things.

bolwerk's avatar

It’s unusual, but it happens.

Coloma's avatar

Sex is not a requisite for happy/healthy relating.
It is NICE, but it is not a ‘need’, it is a want.

Do you know that under stress the sex drive is the first to go, it is not needed for survival and the body will drop any urges not necessary for survival.

‘True love’ is about a whole lot more than body parts and sexual gratification.

bolwerk's avatar

Sex qualifies as a need just like proper nutrition qualifies as a need. You can live off crappy food, but you’ll be worse off.

However, I don’t see why sex is necessary to a happy/healthy relationship. A physically and mentally healthy person, in a happy/healthy relationship or not, should have sex sometimes whether or not it’s with his or her long-term partner. If it does happen within a long-term relationship, that is great, but it doesn’t have to.

Kardamom's avatar

It depends on the particular couple and their level of commitment to one another, and then any arrangements that they might make to deal with it.

Most couples over the age of 70 probably have some level of impairment, in one or both of the parties, so this is a fairly common situation for older people.

There are also couples who get married when one of the parties already has some type of physical impairment.

Then there are couples who have a military member who comes back home with an impairment. So there are plenty of situations in which one of the parties already has an impairment or becomes impaired somewhere down the line. But then it depends upon the level of committment by the couple as to how they will deal with it.

There was a thread on here (which I can’t find, but maybe someone else can) that dealt with a man who had a wife who was seriously ill and could not have sex and we all gave lots of great answers. But both parties have to be in agreement on what is OK.

Could be that the well partner goes elsewhere for sex (with the consent of the ill person) Could be that the well person masturbates in front of the ill person (with the consent of the ill person) Could be that the ill person kisses or touches the well person in a loving manner, but in a way that is physically comfortable or possible for them, and kind of participates in the masturbation. Could be that the well person, goes off in private and masturbates with or without the knowledge of the ill person (so as not to hurt the ill person’s feelings). Could be that the well person uses some type of sex toys (alone) that are more like having sex with a real person than just standard masturbating. And there was a website that I posted (and can’t find) that was dedicated to helping the well partner with all of these issues, it included forums and products and psychological assistance for dealing with the stress, anger and grief.

6rant6's avatar

Remember Coming Home?

Summum's avatar

Yes they can and do.

josie's avatar

Lasting human love is love of the things that do not change much over time. Nobody is a stud or a babe forever. If sexual intercourse was the key to a lasting relationship, most of them would be doomed by menopause, low testosterone, prostate surgery and all that other shit , none of which I am looking forward to.

Answer, sure it’s possible. (I wouldn’t like it much myself)

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