Social Question

robdamel's avatar

What free websites do you spend most time on? (besides fluther)

Asked by robdamel (791points) March 15th, 2011

What websites do you often visit, and free? What makes it a good website?

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20 Answers

downtide's avatar

I blog on dreamwidth which is like Livejournal, only better, and I spend a lot of time on this forum The forum is aimed at people who play Second Life but we talk about all sorts of things, and it’s a very intelligent and mature bunch of people. A lot like Flutherites, actually.

flutherother's avatar

I spend quite a bit of time on Facebook for which I’m receiving counselling and I like StumbleUpon

TexasDude's avatar

Facebook, the tech forums, mostly, because general discussion is filled with tardfuckery, ebay, flickr, and authonomy.

filmfann's avatar

There are websites other than fluther?

PhiNotPi's avatar

Besides Fluther? It may take a while for me to think of something…

coffeenut's avatar

Movie/TV Show sites, Onion, Google….ect

Cruiser's avatar

Youtube….got to have my music fix.

Mariah's avatar

Facebook, various webcomics (Questionable content, Girls with Slingshots, xkcd),’s ostomy forum, Flickr… that’s about it. I blogged on Livejournal for many years but lost interest, and used deviantART until they started hitting me with drive-by viruses.

Michael_Huntington's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

Wrong Planet has been a blessing for answering my questions and providing vast information for my family.

XOIIO's avatar

general sites on hacking, cracking and programming

ETpro's avatar

Yahoo! Small Business. But that’s no surprise. I am a Yahoo! Small Business Partner and Yahoo! Store Developer. I’m on there just about all day every day.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Facebook,, and I use stumbleupon

ucme's avatar

Sports sites, primarily football related. My teams official website being a frequent port of call.

Seelix's avatar

Facebook, Lamebook (which is hilarious), Mental Floss (which is interesting and often funny), WordReference (an online dictionary with some super-helpful forums), Biblioteca Italiana (where I get most of my Italian texts for school – those that are public domain, anyway)

incendiary_dan's avatar

Facebook, (I’m a moderator), and Youtube.

DanyDef's avatar

And I sit in the office and when there is no work play on these sites and

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