Social Question

Joker94's avatar

Can you tell us about a time you had a happy accident?

Asked by Joker94 (8180points) March 16th, 2011
11 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Kinda self-explanatory, heh. I’ll go first:

I went to a Comic Con about a year ago and was going to get a comic signed by Stan Lee. I thought they were selling tickets at the door, but was pretty sorely mistaken. While I was kicking around a little bummed, I ended up stumbling upon a booth by a self-published writer named Eric Adams who writes a dandy little comic called Lackluster World. I inquired about it and was sold almost immediately on it. Not only that, but he autographed all five issues I bought! While I never got to meet Stan Lee, I ended up meeting an equally awesome guy who writes what is now one of my favorite comics.

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filmfann's avatar

I am glad that made you happy, but that is no way as cool as meeting Stan (the man) Lee.
He created Spidey!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It was the night I logged in to Second Life and got transported to an alternate server. There in the middle of a virtual public park was an eccentric male avatar. Long story short, we are now engaged. After long ago giving up the thought of ever marrying and then meeting the most perfect mate on a non-dating website purely by accident was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Joker94's avatar

@filmfann I came really close, but even the people who got signed merch said it was like an assembly line towards the end, they just took your stuff, had him sign it, and you got it back at the end of the line :/

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I met my husband by a “happy accident”. My best friend was dating a guy with two roommates. I had just ended a long term relationship with an asshat and my gf wanted me to go to a keg party at her boyfriend’s house. She said she wanted me to really let loose and have fun, since I had been so depressed and angry, and that she wanted to set me up with one of her boyfriend’s roommates who would be “perfect” because he’s a “one night stand kinda guy, no strings ever”. I agreed to that too, just to do something reckless and out of character for me.

It ended up that the roommate she meant to set me up with had a girl with him at the party already, so at the last second, she tossed me into the bedroom of the other roommate and yelled “get to know each other” before pulling the door shut.

We sat through a few minutes of awkward silence before loosening up, then completely hit it off and two weeks later he asked me, “So, when are we getting married?” He formally proposed 8 months later, on his birthday/Christmas Eve. It was a complete accident, but we’ve been married for almost 11 years now, and still going strong!

saintDrew's avatar

I would think that some unexpected pregnancies may be “happy accidents” =D

Judi's avatar

@saintDrew; I was just going to say, I had 2 of those!

deni's avatar

My life is a happy accident. So are the lives of both my brothers. All 3 of us were happy accidents. Yay moM!

sliceswiththings's avatar

I saw this question and thought of peeing one’s pants, and immediately thought of this anecdote:

When I was just three of four, I was in the library with my mom. I had to pee, and there was no bathroom. My mom said we’d go home soon. A few minutes later, I no longer felt the urge to pee. At this age, I assumed that the only explanation for that was that I had already peed my pants. I confessed what I thought I had done to my mom. She said, “Oh, okay, we’ll go home and get you cleaned up.” In the car ride home, I had to pee again. I figured that since I had already done the hard part and told my mom I had peed my pants, I might as well go for it. I clearly remember sitting in the car in my brother’s orange and blue snowpants freely peeing.

Now THAT was a happy “accident!” :)

MilkyWay's avatar

Haha,my 2 year old baby sister was an accident…mum and dad were pretty surprised….
SO glad she happened though.MOst happy accident ever to happen,I just can’t imagine not having her,she makes my life a much better thing to live…

yankeetooter's avatar

One night, on the way out the building to go home from class, I was hoping to run into the guy I like and talk to him for a few minutes. I stopped in the bathroom, and on my way out, failed to notice that a piece of TP had rudely attached itself to my shoe. (Oh no!, you’re thinking, but don’t worry, it works out okay…) Now I’m walking down the hallway and have about drawn level to his classroom door when I look down and notice the offending piece of tissue. Horrified, I do an about face and walk back down to the end of the hallway where there’s a trashcan to remove said offending paper.

As I’m preparing to go my way again, he comes out of his classroom and goes in the office next door (I don’t know if he saw me or not, but the TP was gone at that point, thank goodness). I start down the hallway again, and as I get to the office, he pops out and says hi, and we then got to talk a few minutes, which made my day.

Just think, if not for the TP on my shoe, I probably would have missed him on the way out…:)

Strauss's avatar

My whole family is an extremely happy series of accidents.

Wife’s sister, mother of twins, was widowed when they were four. When they were seven, she brought them from Texas to visit us in Atlanta just after New Years. She asked if she could leave the twins with us for a couple weeks, while she went back to Texas to “take care of some business”.

One year later: twins are still visiting, SIL fell off the map. We move from Georgia to Colorado for several reasons, one being the difference in each state’s child welfare laws. We obtained legal custody of the twins.

Two years after that: SIL showed up, and asked us to help her find residential rehab in Colorado…done! She’s in rehab, and is diagnosed bi-polar.

She met a man in rehab who had been there as an adjudication (it was part of his sentence or probation). She fell for him, they both fell off the wagon and out of rehab, and hit the street in a drug-enhanced lifestyle.

At some point we found out she was pregnant by this guy. Shortly after, they fell off the map again, and we had no idea if she was well, still pregnant, getting prenatal care; we were very concerned about her, and her unborn child.

A few weeks later, we found her, she was slightly malnourished. Seemed to have refrained from serious drugs while pregnant. We took her in, took care of her and saw to it that she received the proper prenatal care; we hadn’t heard anything from baby-daddy, and frankly didn’t worry about him. It was all about the baby.

We realized that when the time came for her to deliver she would be in no condition to care for the child. At one point, my wife had convinced her that she was going to sign custody over to us immediately. We helped her through the pregnancy and at 5 weeks premature, she delivered. Baby-daddy was nowhere to be seen.

At about five weeks before term, SIL gave birth to a 5 pound baby girl. She was a premie, and her lungs were slightly under-developed, but she was healthy, had all fingers and toes! I held her for hours that first day of her life. I rocked her, I sang to her, I talked to her, I promised her that I would do everything I could to enable her to safely grow up into her true potential.

We were granted immediate custody, first as foster-family, and about a year later the adoption was official.

Afterword: SIL cleaned up after that, but I think her judgment and mental/emotional health was permanently impaired by her years of hard drug abuse, coupled with her psych and emotional issues. The state placed her into a mental health group home, pleasant enough, until she passed in her sleep several years ago. Baby-daddy (sperm donor) moved on, never to look back. Heard he passed a couple years ago from heart attack. I didn’t particularly like him when I met him, and I couldn’t support his choice of lifestyle, but I will always be grateful that his mistake brought me such a wonderful gift!

That gift is now 15, has her father wrapped around her little finger (or so she imagines!). Every time she achieves or surpasses another goal, I like to think it has something to do with a promise I made many years ago.

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