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SuperMouse's avatar

What is the happiest, funniest, quirkiest, coolest, thing that happened on your wedding day?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) March 21st, 2011
34 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

In short, what is your best memory of your wedding day? It could be silly, serious, fun, whatever, what stands out most for you?

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JmacOroni's avatar

Standing outside, barefoot, in the snow, in my wedding dress.. having my photo taken might qualify for the “coolest.” ;)
No, everyones’ favorite part was that my husband actually got so choked up that he could barely say his vows, and he had to ask for them to be repeated like four times. It was good comic relief.

ubersiren's avatar

The coolest thing was that on our wedding night we stayed at the Waterfront Marriott on Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. They upgraded us to an awesome room with a panoramic view of the Harbor. It was December and there was a Christmas boat show! It was night time, so we got to see the boats parading around the harbor with all their xmas lights on and tacky Bal’more decor, and we had the best seat in the house! Santa even came by on one boat.

BEST WISHES TO THE BRIDE- SUPERMOUSE!!!! Have the best day ever, and cherish every moment because it will fly by! :) So happy for you!

JmacOroni's avatar

@SuperMouse is getting married today?

JilltheTooth's avatar

@JmacOroni ; Today’s the big day! And here she is Fluthering. Hmmmmm

janbb's avatar

Oh – Mazel Tov @SuperMouse ! You deserve so much mousey happiness!

The happiest thing that happened on my wedding day was that I joined my life with someone that I’ve been able to live with for the past nearly 40 years.

JmacOroni's avatar

Oh my gosh, I had no idea. Best wishes!!

funkdaddy's avatar

Congrats! Enjoy your day!

I couldn’t see it, but we had an outdoor wedding and apparently when the vows were done and we turned around to be “presented as man and wife”, the band kicking in scared birds off the little gazebo and we had a spray of birds taking off like in the movies.

Ok, so they were probably pigeons, crackles, and not exactly doves, but all the same, it made an impression on friends and family.

Scooby's avatar

Just as the photographer was about to take the first shots of us standing outside the church after the ceremony, a squirrel ran through the whole group scattering most, to get to the trees beyond where we were standing, it was deemed good luck Lol….. :-/

filmfann's avatar

I walked to the front of the Church, and got insanely nervous. I began worrying I was rushing this, I was making a mistake… I began completely freaking out.
Then my bride walked down the aisle, and her beauty just took my breath away. One look at her, and I thought “hey, this is a good idea!”
Nearly 27 years later, it remains the best choice I ever made.

marinelife's avatar

Seeing so many friends who came from all over out of town.

Many felicitations @ SuperMouse! May you enjoy wedded bliss for many years!

AmWiser's avatar

The whole day will always stand out in my mind. But one of the pictures taken on our wedding day looks like I was literally pulling my husband to the alter.

Congratulations and have a beautiful Wedding Day!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@filmfann : In thread after thread, post after post, you are always so lovely about your wife. It’s inspirational to me how goony in love with her you still are. :-)

picante's avatar

Enjoy your special day! My quirky happening was the Justice of the Peace calling both me and the groom by my first name, which is typically a male name. I contend, after 37 years of marriage, that we’re not really official ;-)

erichw1504's avatar

Our first dance was the funniest and quirkiest. We started out with a typical, nice slow song to dance to. But 30 seconds in we cut to Timbaland – The Way I Are and start bustin’ out some moves. I did the Lawn Mower, Sprinkler and also a “butt spin” on the floor. Needless to say, everybody was extremely impressed.

tranquilsea's avatar

Congratulations :-)

We spent a whopping $3000 on our wedding so it’s no surprise that everything was handmade. We painstakingly wrapped three or four chocolates into lace and tied it with ribbon as wedding favours and placed them in a basket. At some point during the night my two year old nephew couldn’t be found. After some searching we found him under the stairs with 50 or so party favours all unwrapped around him and a chocolate smear across his I’ve-been-caught face. He probably got more enjoyment out of them then anyone else would have.

It rained on my wedding day and for all the people who told me that it would bring good luck: I don’t know if I’d call it good luck but we are coming fast up to 17 years together and we are happier now than we were when we got married.

zenvelo's avatar

My best man got out of the car with a new ear piercing. The bide just about fainted. Turned out it was a fake, but certainly eased the tension.

Congratulations and long love and long life to you!

Cupcake's avatar

The best weather of the year
A clear blue sky (which is a big deal in our city)
My son couldn’t find his pants, so my hubby ran to Target to buy extra ones
A minor hair meltdown
I got lilly pollen on my dress and my father-in-law’s white shirt
I cried through the ceremony
My husband and I beamed all day long
I thought I would never be able to stop smiling.

Best wishes @SuperMouse!! And Happy New Year!!!

SuperMouse's avatar

@Cupcake did you write vows or go with just the Baha’i vows? Happy New Year to you and Fireside!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

The funniest thing was that I apparently was SOOO excited to get married, that I ran down the aisle, instead of walking sedately. I’ve been told this by our families; I don’t remember that much about the wedding itself since I was so nervous and excited. It’s all a big blur.

The happiest and coolest thing was that I got to marry my soulmate- a sensitive, wonderful, sexy man and join a family that I love to pieces (most of the time). It is almost our 11th anniversary and I still adore him (most of the time, lol).

The quirkiest thing was that my “almost mother in law” walked into the bridal room asking, “Has anyone seen my daughter?” My “almost sister in law” stuck her hand out from under my dress and waved, yelling, “I’m right here!” She was completely hidden, underneath my HUGE dress, re-tying my petticoats because they had loosened. We still laugh about that.

tinyfaery's avatar

Sipping $120 champagne out of plastic cups in the woods of Santa Cruz.

erichw1504's avatar

@tinyfaery that’s a casual once-a-week event for me.

tinyfaery's avatar

For me it was special.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My sister showed up at the reception. The only family I have within 300 miles. She lives about 30 minutes away.

downtide's avatar

We forgot the flowers: the bouquets and buttonhole carnations were all in the fridge (to keep them fresh overnight) and we had to drive back to the house to get them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

O, that reminds me. We forgot the baked beans!

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III That might not have been such a bad thing. :-P

Dutchess_III's avatar

@janbb LOL! Well, I gotta tell you, those beans sitting in the oven, on just above warm, forgotten for the whole day, turned out to be the best damn beans I’ve made to date!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My now ex husband and I were kneeling on a low bench thing for what seems like forever and I noticed my fingers were turning purple bluish while gripping a rail in front of us. I kept looking up to our priest while he talked to ask if I could walk to the side door and get some air but he just would reach over and pat the top of my hand a few times. We got through the very long ceremony and laughed later that I was trying to ditch (I wasn’t).

Bellatrix's avatar

My gorgeous husband, who has two left feet, agreed to go to dancing lessons with me. We went for six months and ‘sort of’ learned a dance to do at the reception. We weren’t terribly good dancers, but we spent a lot of time trying and could muddle through. We got married on an island off Australia and when we got to the place we were having our reception, the space for us to do our dance in was about an 8th of the size of the space we had learned in. We did our best and bumped into walls and basically just fell about laughing in the end. It was pathetic but hilariously funny to watch and we didn’t really care that we made fools of ourselves.

augustlan's avatar

The first time I got married, I was 19 years old and it was 1987. Most of our guests were teenagers and twentysomethings, combined with older family members. All the ‘youngsters’ danced the night away, including me… in bare feet, with my dress hiked up and my wayfarers on. It was such an awesome party that we hated to leave for our honeymoon! The sweetest thing to happen was the note we found tucked under the windshield of our “just married” car in the hotel parking lot. A couple, complete strangers in an unfamiliar town, wrote their best wishes to us for a long and happy life together and signed it “anonymous, Australia”.

My second (and final, damn it) wedding was a much smaller affair, but so meaningful to us. My girls were my maids-of-honor, and my husband’s sons were his best men. Only our closest friends and relatives were in attendance, and after the ceremony we whiled away the afternoon drinking beer in a lovely outdoor courtyard. So relaxed and happy!

I hope your day was beautiful, mouse, and that the rest of your lives together will be, too. Love you!

Cupcake's avatar

@SuperMouse we just went with the Baha’i vows… and gave our own heartfelt appreciation for all our loved ones who shared the wedding with us… what did you guys do?

Happy new year! I can never forget your anniversary now!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy Do you have video??

Bellatrix's avatar

@Dutchess_III I wish. We got married on Norfolk Island and paid one of the locals to film the wedding. When we got the “results” it was absolute rubbish. Ah well, we live and learn and so no, no video of the ‘wall bumping rumba and waltz’.

Dutchess_III's avatar


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