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jca's avatar

What do you think of Lawrence Taylor's sentence of 6 yrs probation for having sex with a 16 year old girl?

Asked by jca (36062points) March 22nd, 2011
15 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Today Lawrence Taylor was sentenced to 6 year’s probation for his sexual encounter with a 16 year old girl. He also has to register as a sex offender. He claimed he thought the girl was a prostitute.

What do you think of that sentence? Do you think it was too lenient? Do you think if he was not famous he would have gotten jail time?

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josie's avatar

In New York the age of consent is 17. Big mistake for LT.
He should have gone to Idaho where it is 14.

Zaku's avatar

It is failing to get me to care to have any idea who Lawrence Taylor is. Somehow, I already sense I want to know as little about him as possible.

12Oaks's avatar

If you can’t do the time…..

He better be happy it wasn’t my daughter or he’d be wishing for 6 years probation, or in the slammer, after I got through with him.

cak's avatar

Too lenient, but I’m neither shocked or amazed.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (3points)
WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I don’t even know who Lawrence Taylor is, but I’m not surprised by a sentence like that, famous or not. I’ve seen men who’ve raped children get just a slap on the wrist. Our justice system sickens me.

SeaTurtle's avatar

I don’t know who Lawrence Taylor is either but if he didn’t force or coerce the young woman then it isn’t rape according to my beliefs and that of most nations on earth.

bolwerk's avatar

I don’t know who LT is, but if the sex was consensual, it’s stupid. There’s no reason why a 16-year-old can’t consent to sex with an adult. And really, the state shouldn’t be deciding who gets a scarlet letter anyway. Society isn’t helped now that another stupid male will have a harder time being gainfully employed.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

So his defense was “Sure, I knew she was underage, but I thought she was a hooker, and I was involved in not one but two illegal activities”? That’s like saying “I only shot the man because he got in the way of me robbing his store”.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Really, I think it’s too lenient. He would have gotten jail time if he wasn’t famous. I’m for 16 year olds being able to consent to sex with 18 or 19 year olds, but not 50 year olds – I haven’t met a whole lot of 16 year olds who really knew how to say “no” (much less what they were getting into, the risks, etc.) Hell, for that matter, I haven’t met many people under the age of 25 who had the “no” thing down and were really able to stand up for themselves.

augustlan's avatar

@SeaTurtle That linked freaked me out. There are actually places in the world that think 9 years old is the age of consent? Holy crap.

As to the case, I have mixed feelings. When I was 16, I had sex with adult men. I look back on it and think, “Eww, what the hell were they thinking?”, but I don’t feel I was at all coerced or forced or even manipulated into it. In fact, I was usually the seductress/instigator. Clearly, a grown man should know better, but I’d never in a million years call my consensual sex a form of rape. Bad judgment? Yes. Is that worth jail time? I don’t know, but my gut says no.

And this is coming from someone who was, in fact, sexually abused for 13 years, by an adult uncle. I fucking hate sex offenders.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@augustlan—As Jimmy Carr says, that’s one way to deal with a pedophilia problem. “She looked 9 to me…”

augustlan's avatar

Crap. I meant “link”, not “linked”.

WestRiverrat's avatar

If you believe the young lady’s version of what happened it wasn’t consensual. She claims her pimp beat her to get her to LT’s motel room, and she feared another beating if she didn’t comply.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Logically it is hypocritical to even charge him. Had this girl gone on a crime spree because LT bilked her on the LV clutch purse he promised her, and in the aftermath three quickie mart clerks were shot, one dead and two car jackings to round it off, she would be tried as an adult, or they would lobby hard to do it. Unless LT had a gun to her head or a knife to her throat she certainly wasn’t scared to get naked with him and do the nasty, nasty. In about 30% of the world she would be considered grown enough to know what she wanted, which she apparently did, biologically she is a woman, be it a young one. I think it stems from trying to push back biology and make young adults still be children when that ship has sailed; logically speaking.

His notoriety did keep him from the clink though; I believe that with out question. I am surprised he even got a felony and not some misdemeanor sexual battery or something.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar


I haven’t met a whole lot of 16 year olds who really knew how to say “no” (much less what they were getting into, the risks, etc.) Is better for the young lady not to say “no” to the 18 or 19yr old than someone 20yr old or greater? She is still being made merchandise of, just with a lesser dinner and a baby daddy who can’t pay once he knocks her up.

When I was 16, I had sex with adult men. I look back on it and think, “Eww, what the hell were they thinking?”, but I don’t feel I was at all coerced or forced or even manipulated into it. In fact, I was usually the seductress/instigator. Preach it sister! The truth MOST do not want to know about or admit is possible. It all comes down to looking at it biologically or ideologically.

Clearly, a grown man should know better, but I’d never in a million years call my consensual sex a form of rape. Bad judgment? Yes. Is that worth jail time? I don’t know, but my gut says no. Should know better here in the US where we are still ass backwards on sex. I many other parts of the world the ”Men should know better” would be laughable. If you took the entire planet and averaged the age of consent, it would average 15.5 yrs. I guess most of the world would be pervs who didn’t know better because they don’t do it the “American Way?” Bad judgment in sex is made at every age not just those 18yr and under.

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