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ariherzog's avatar

Why do you ask a question on Fluther?

Asked by ariherzog (33points) March 24th, 2011
19 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

There are many places across the web to ask a question. Each site has a different name, a different interface, and different frequent users.

Why do YOU like Fluther so much?

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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I like the community of people.

JilltheTooth's avatar

It’s much more civil than most other sites; a high percentage of the Jellies seem to be intelligent and educated, and hell, although it’s technically a Q and A site, it’s also a community.

Welcome aboard, @ariherzog !

Edit to add: I see you’ve been here awhile, hopefully you’ll participate more…

SpatzieLover's avatar

The answers are intelligent and coherent. The collection here has many “regulars” that I have gotten to know & befriend.

erichw1504's avatar

They’ve said it all above me.

Fluther is almost like a club. If you aren’t a troll and know correct grammar, you’re in. But then to be emotionally connected to the community is the next part. Once you do that, you’re golden.

DeanV's avatar

Because it makes me look really, really cool.

Nah, because I usually get answers. And answers are quite nice when you have questions.

erichw1504's avatar

@dverhey “Because it makes me look really, really cool.”

You sound like Derek Zoolander.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Like @Aesthetic_Mess I find the community of people here compelling. I’ve made friends.

tinyfaery's avatar

I trust people I have come to know here. To me it’s not like asking random strangers, it’s like asking friendly acquaintances.

Mariah's avatar

If I want a quick response to a simple question with a definitive answer, Yahoo Answers is the place to go. But, that’s rarely the kind of question I want to ask. I can google that kind of stuff.

If I want well thought-out and articulated opinions, or I want someone to explain their reasoning behind WHY something is a certain way, or why they believe what they do… that’s actually pretty hard to come by on a lot of Q&A sites. Fluther has got a great userbase and you get quality responses.

Mariah's avatar

Oh, I also like how, since we have a relatively small userbase, you see people over and over and there isn’t really that feeling of anonymity that there is at Y!A. That allows us to ask social questions and have the answers actually mean something.

jaytkay's avatar

The moderation is a big reason for the quality of answers here. I think pretty much everybody gets modded at one time or another, those who stick around learn to keep it civil and (mostly) on-topic.

anartist's avatar

Usually because I want to know something. Most of my questions are in general, but a few silly things I want to know are posted in social. And I ask on Fluther because the community is full of smart, amusing, and likeable people.

AmWiser's avatar

Why! I ask myself that question all the time.:-)

jonsblond's avatar

The majority of people are very kind and helpful here. I once tried a different site and I didn’t receive the warm welcome like I did here. That’s why I stay. =)

wundayatta's avatar

Sometimes I ask questions because I need some information (hardly ever). Sometimes I ask questions because I want to know people’s opinions about something. Sometimes I ask questions because I want to hear about people’s experience with something. Sometimes I ask because I want to hear a story and get to know others better. Sometimes because there’s an issue I want to talk about and that’s a way of getting a conversation started. And sometimes because I want to do my part to keep the quality of the questions as high as possible.

I try to be a role model for others. So actually that last is mostly being selfish. I like the way I ask questions, and I am encouraged others to ask similar kinds of questions by showing how it is done. I’m not saying my questions are any better or worse than anyone else’s; just that I like what I like, and if I can encourage people to do what I like by providing an example, they I’ll do it.

Sometimes someone will write me to thank me for asking the questions I ask, or telling me they like my questions. That’s nice. It hasn’t been happening lately, so I may not be writing questions that people like as much. But that’s ok. I like what I like, and that doesn’t mean anyone else has to like it. Still, I have no idea whether there is a correlation between what I do and what other people do, but, in my opinion, it seems like the kind of questions I like are appearing more often.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People here really have something to offer.

sakura's avatar

I tend to ask questions…if I need to know an answer, sometimes just because I’m nosey and other times because I’m curious to find out what other people think and how their minds tick!
Over all I found fluther by accident but soon became addicted to the fun, informative and knowledgable bunch of flutherites you will find here!

wilma's avatar

I like the community here, and the intelligent answers.

The guacamole is great too!

When I first read this question, my initial response was “Plaid Pants”, but I think I’m kind of paranoid.

filmfann's avatar

Sometimes I ask just to make sure my logic on an issue is sound.
Often, I ask a question to make a point.
I will also ask a question that just baffles me, and I find the answers here. Like This question.

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