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shabbir's avatar

How to become Cool?

Asked by shabbir (23points) March 29th, 2011
23 responses
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How to become Cool and smart?

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El_Cadejo's avatar

How to become cool? Its quite simple really. Stop caring about what others think about you and be comfortable with who you are. People respect a person who is comfortable in their own skin, people that can express their feelings without really caring if others find it cool or not but are just simply being themselves.

How to be smart? Even more simple. Start reading.

gailcalled's avatar

Define “cool”. Teen-aged “cool” is usually temporary, transitory and of little value after Jr. High.

Find subjects that interest you and study hard, read up on them, do extra credit projects, write with an eye for clarity and meaning, be true to yourself.

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JilltheTooth's avatar

Go ahead and be a nerd if that’s who you are. Nerds are really only uncool for a short time in school, later, being confident in yourself and your unique abilities is very cool. And you don’t have to work at it.

seazen_'s avatar

Start with a cool avatar.

woodcutter's avatar

Be careful with “cool”. There’s a fine line between that and being a douche.

Pandora's avatar

Own who you are. I wasn’t classically the cool kid in school. The one that everyone wanted to be with but by the Junior year I was considered cool by other kids. Dress well and study hard and most of all be confident in who you are. That is all I did and before long people started to notice. I noticed more and more people where aware of who I was when I had no idea who they were. I didn’t do it to be cool. Actually started to dress better and be better groomed because of my part time job after school. And I never saw a reason to feel bad about my grades. I worked hard for them and earned them. I didn’t do it to show off, I simply wanted to graduate on time and have a better chance of college than someone with straight C’s. When people would get on me for being a book worm, I only had one question for them. It was. Are you going to support me after high school? When they said, hell no, then I would reply with, So why should I care about what you think of my study habits? They usually let me be after that.
Confidence goes a long way. Although don’t confuse it with arrogance. Confident people attract other confident people and the insecure stay far away because their insecurity only shows up more. They usually surround themselves with other insecure people so they don’t look so weak.
So it really depends on who you’re hoping to attract.

erichw1504's avatar

Act like me.

the100thmonkey's avatar

And me!

On reflection, that’s not such a good idea…

dazron's avatar

Cool and smart are very different, and in many ways, utterly opposing conditions.

Both are very hard to achieve, and both can be achieved through happenstance, hard work and application. However. it’s almost impossible to quantify or qualify either quality, let alone explain to others how to do it.

Ultimately, if you have to ask, you’ll never know ;)

Lightlyseared's avatar

The moment you start trying to be cool is the moment you stop being cool.

Be yourself. Be liked for who you are and be proud of who you are. And don’t care what other people think because they’re too busy worrying what you’re thinking about them.

creative1's avatar

Why would you want to?? So everyone would copy you? I would rather be an indivdual and who I am than try to be something I am not

gailcalled's avatar

Keep in mind that all the one-word labels have very little meaning when you are describing someone’s behavior, attitude and affect.

Nerd, cool, dweeb, douche, jerk, are so broad as to be valueless.

From my era, jock, brain, dumb blond, airhead, fast, popular, in, cheap come to mind.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@gailcalled “in.” ? Not familiar with this one. Is it just short for something else? Or is it “in” like in style? Or something to that effect?

gailcalled's avatar

As in the “in crowd.” It meant popular, according the the bizarre teen-aged standards of the 1950’s (the Eisenhower era.) Again a vague shorthand that we all understood; like the other labels, it was meant to and had the ability to hurt.

Facade's avatar

How to become cool? Be yourself without trying to be what you think cool is. Find people who like you just as you are and screw the rest of ‘em.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@gailcalled ahhh I see, thanks for explaining.

buster's avatar

Smoke cigarettes and carry around a skateboard.

Seelix's avatar

We’re not going to give you the kind of answers you’re going to find on Yahoo Answers. We’ll tell you that confidence is the most attractive feature, and things like that, but if you want to know about what clothing brands are “in” or how to make yourself into one of the Hollister sheep you see around town, we’re not really about that.

Be yourself and don’t worry about being “cool”. As has been said, “cool” really doesn’t matter after high school. Honest.

icehky06's avatar

Do everything your mom tells you not to do. Hook up with girls and boys. BAM you’re cool.

lanabanana41598's avatar

Buy a fan .

shabbir's avatar

Being simple is being Cool. Hooking up with girls and smokes will not turn you up into a cool person.

Lady_Love's avatar

to be cool you pretty much have to think you are the coolest person in the world and others will follow suite. If they don’t, then f*** them… the only person you need to impress is yourself.

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