Social Question

awomanscorned's avatar

Are you planning pranks?

Asked by awomanscorned (11261points) March 29th, 2011 from iPhone

For the April Fool in your life? What are ya gonna do? To whom? I need ideas on how to get my dad. He always tricks me.

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30 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, crap. I have a dentist appointment that day. Maybe I should reschedule!

jonsblond's avatar

I’m not, but my sister is the queen of pranks. She’s going to surprise her wife with The Toilet Monster.

Edit- I read the details but not the topics. lol

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Oooh! I forgot about that…

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Berserker's avatar

Yeah I’m not very imaginative…I’ll just hide dead fish in people’s backpacks and purses. Think they’re so good by sticking paper fish on my back…yall just wait for the smell, man!

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Berserker's avatar

It’s gotta be more personal than that. :D Someone in school once did that with cough bombs though…but you want to be funny, not evacuate a whole place lol.

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Berserker's avatar

Yeah…you don’t want to harm anyone or break things. :/ Plastic wrap on the can is always classic though lol.

yankeetooter's avatar

I don’t usually do the prank thing. I like to come up and tell someone something with a deadpan face (I should play poker), and mess with them for a moment before reminding them it’s April Fools Day.

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Winters's avatar

Nope I just do them on the spur of the moment.

Cruiser's avatar

If I told you here that would spoil the surprise! ;)

ucme's avatar

Nah, planning shows lack of instinct. The best ones are done with spontana…...spontane…....oh shit, you know what I mean.

XOIIO's avatar

GA for the last topic XD

MilkyWay's avatar

yeh I know what you mean @ucme

ucme's avatar

Oooooohhh!! Listen to little miss know it all ;¬}

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I was going to play a joke on this girl I was dating but I broke up with her yesterday so never mind that.

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@noelleptc Well since she was really bent on ‘keeping things casual’, I was going to write her this long letter professing my love and the such and how we should ‘make it official in front of friends’ by sending out this letter together. And I’d have an attachment, a word document, that would start with ‘Dearly Beloved..” and it would go on and on and in the last sentence, I’d say and Simone would like to wish Betty (not her name) a Happy April Fool’s day. And that’s it.

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sliceswiththings's avatar

I might be flying on April Fools Day. I really hope the flight attendants/pilot don’t announce any crashing pranks.

XOIIO's avatar

@sliceswiththings have any done that?

mattbrowne's avatar

I don’t answer questions witch contain more than 7 spelling miss takes.

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mattbrowne's avatar

Usually I’m not very good at this ;-) but I was able to fool my kids a few times when they were younger…

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mattbrowne's avatar

Glad you enjoyed the prank ;-)

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