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Ladymia69's avatar

Who wants to join me and others in a Drunken History Roundtable Discussion?

Asked by Ladymia69 (6881points) March 29th, 2011
31 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Have you ever viewed the Drunken History vignettes on Youtube? Go and watch one or two to get the gist of them, then come back.

I find them to be funny and entertaining, which is as much as we can hope for history to be. So on Saturday, the 2nd of April, around 7 PM Eastern time, I propose having a couple of alcoholic beverages of your choice at your side or in your belly, and I will open up with an agreed-upon question about a historical event which we can all drunkenly expound on. We are all bound to learn something in a new light at least, and it will be a good Algonquin-round-table-esque exercise for all jellies who are game.

Sign up here, and please tell what beverages you will be drinking, and what you would like to bring to the table as a great historical event (try to steer it away form war and more toward interpersonal conflicts and resolutions – war might get too touchy) we could talk about.

Thanks for your patronage.

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jonsblond's avatar

I discovered drunken history about two years ago thanks to my husband. shock, I know
I love it! Can’t make any promises, but thanks for the invite. Sounds fun. :)

Ladymia69's avatar

@jonsblond For the sake of you possibly coming or inspiring someone else, what event in history would you be into speaking about?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

this sounds fun, but history is not one of my strengths. i may decide to join in when i learn what the topic will be.

Ladymia69's avatar

I am thinking about Marie Antoinette’s part in the French Revolution.

Ladymia69's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf You could read up an hour before the event, and while the event goes on, you could be researching in another window, looking for things to counter someone’s post with! While sipping! Or glugging!

Ladymia69's avatar

I know my subject will have something to do with women in history.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

sorry, keyboard is still broken on the laptop.. my typing is awful.
that’s my plan, but it still depends on the topic. maybe i’ll drink and observe.

Ladymia69's avatar

doable, but you will probably end up piping in here someplace!

TexasDude's avatar

I just had about an 8th of a bottle of this shit and I don’t know what the hell this thread is about but I always thought the Battle of San Juan Hill was really fucking cool.

SeaTurtle's avatar

A decent idea but the example videos you posted in which all are sober, are fake propagandist material.
As a class A drunk from a long lineage of drunks, I speak with authority. And omitting the topic of war from historical debate seems almost oxymoronic to me.

Coloma's avatar

Is it okay if I just have my happy brownie?

augustlan's avatar

I fail at history, but love this idea! If someone wants to host a drunken literature circle or something, I’m in. :D

cazzie's avatar

Oh! I do this on Fridays with Science! It’s extra special fun.

cazzie's avatar

Are we going to Skype? or Second Life or something?

My Science group meets in Second Life, but it requires some decent hardware and an account there. Doesn’t cost money, though.

reba's avatar

Oh goodness, I want to participate so badly. I spent last night introducing a friend to Drunken History. Unfortunately, I have an engagement that I cannot get out of. And @augustlan I am down for that. Any time. Let me know.

Ladymia69's avatar

@SeaTurtle If you don’t like my idea, you are certainly not forced to participate. Start your own circle. This thread was meant for people who are interested. Not people who just jump in to knock someone else’s idea.

@Coloma But of course!

@augustlan We can have a literary circle instead. i just want to have some sort of “Roundtable Under the Influence”.

@cazzie No,we just meet up here and converse on a thread.

Look, people, I will be here Friday night with my beer and my brain. See you there!

cazzie's avatar

EEK.. I thought it was Saturday?

Ladymia69's avatar

@cazzie Sorry, it is…I’m drunk already!!!

Coloma's avatar


You must be on the east coast or somewhere not in California. Only 2p.m. here…I have to postpone my happy brownie hour til after a 5:15 dentist appointment.
Then..I will come home, have a happy brownie, brush, floss and put in the whitening trays. Brownie breath must wait awhile longer. lol

augustlan's avatar

Somebody send me a reminder on Saturday. I’ll do my best to be here and be inebriated. :)

Ladymia69's avatar

@Coloma I was kidding. But I won’t be kidding Saturday.

@augustlan Outstanding! I would almost rather talk about the authors of literature than about the literature.

SeaTurtle's avatar

@ladymia69 .My apologies for answering and sharing the knowledge that the Drunken History vignettes were not actually done by anyone drunk, I was unaware that it was only people in favor of “Your Idea” that were welcome to respond.

Ladymia69's avatar

By the way, I take back the whole no-war-discussions thing. War and battles are pretty interesting. As are duels!

Coloma's avatar

Oooh drunken fluther’errrrrs, don’tcha wait for meeee
cuz I come from Califori with a brownie on my knee.

Ladymia69's avatar

@Coloma I am learning to love you and your brownies….now gimmegimmegimme!

cazzie's avatar

I forgot to say what my story is… but I don’t know how we’re going to tell a rambling drunken story by typing it as a post…

My story is about a man name Cola.

cazzie's avatar

I fell asleep….!!! Did I miss anything?

Ladymia69's avatar

Nope, because this silly bird forgot to even open it up! That is so ladymia69.

cazzie's avatar

Well, I’d like so start a skype group for it or something in Second Life… I can’t see how these things can be done by typing on a list format like this. And who can type that well when they’ve had so much to drink? Look what I did…. I feel asleep! After just three beers… between 6pm and 11pm…. 7pm your time was 12midnight my time.

jonsblond's avatar

Did you eat too many of @Coloma‘s brownies @ladymia69? ;)

Ladymia69's avatar

@jonsblond Boy oh boy, I wish I had!! Unfortunately, I am going to have to blame it on the 4 pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream I bought when I saw that they were BOGO at Bi-Lo, and promptly took home and ate half of each pint. Did you know that they have Red Velvet Cake now??

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